Mayor's Task force on Obesity and Health at the Municipality of Anchorage Planning Department. "The task force is charged with the task of studying the many aspects, causes and impacts of Obesity in Anchorage, developing a ten-year plan to address it, and completing the process within twelve months." (The War on Obesity is the newest way to interfere in private lives provided by the International communitarians.)
UN's Agenda 21 targets your mayor by Tom Deweese, American Policy Center, Monday, June 6, 2005. "... Every year, our nation's mayors are to promise to ban something! What if there isn't a "chemical or compound" that poses a risk? Gotta ban something anyway. That's not an idle threat. In the 1990's Anchorage, Alaska had some of the most pristine water in the nation. It had no pollution. Yet the federal government ordered the city to meet strict federal clean water standards that required it to remove a certain percentage of pollution. In order to meet those requirements, Anchorage was forced to dump fish parts into its pristine water so that it could then clean out the required quotas. Your city's mayor may have to ban the ink in your fountain pen to meet his quota - and ban it he will.
And what is the mayor's reward for destroying private property rights, increasing energy costs on less consumption, and banning something useful every year? He gets green stars. That's right. According to UN documents, if your mayor can complete 8-11 of the prescribed 21 actions, the town will get a green star and the designation, "Local Sustainable City." 12-17 actions completed will garner two green stars and the designation, "National Sustainable City." 15-18 actions completed will bring in three green stars and the title "Regional Sustainable City." Finally, the energizer bunny mayor who gets 19-21 actions completed will get a full four green stars and the ultimate designation of "Global Sustainable City." Certainly he or she will also get a plaque and get to sit at the head table at the next UN Sustainable Development conference.
Alaska Conservation Foundation promotes sustainablity using the UN's 1992 Earth Summit "definition." Their Board of Directors shows the prominence of its membership. This isn't some small, local group of concerned citizens. Alaska Defense Initiatives lists the grants they supplied to 8th World Wilderness Conference Anchorage, Alaska
30th September - 6th October 2005. Affiliated with, whose "objective is to develop model wilderness legislation, and to work with interested governments as requested to facilitate wilderness legislation appropriate for their people and nation." WILD is connected to World Conservation Union (IUCN). WILD also proposed the "First proposal for a World Conservation Corps, or Service, as an avenue for effective, public environmental action" in 1990. Lead Alaskan Conference sponsor: Thoresen Foundation, 2300 W. Bay Dr., Largo, FL 33770
727.585.1238, Michael Thoresen, contact. The site says Thoresen's grant to Museums to the tune of $2,000,000/year. The Thoresen's also support, another international program Building a Just World through Service and Partnership, and the gave to Phase I of
Blackfoot-Clearwater Conservation project. Apparently the Thorensen's are buying up a little bit of wilderness everywhere they go. They also gave $100,000.00 for for the Human Vaccine Institute's campaign.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) "This Roundtable will be very timely in that it will provide technical support at an early stage of the Project's second phase, and also because it will help position Kamchatka's conservation community for the 8th World Wilderness Congress, which will be held in September-October 2005 in Anchorage Alaska. The Congress will bring together experts in wilderness and protected area conservation from Alaska, and from around the world, including a Kamchatka delegation that will make presentations about Kamchatka's biodiversity and conservation activities. The Congress will include state of the art information on wilderness and wildlands conservation and will present excellent opportunities for training, and technical exchanges. The Congress' Alaska location will make it especially relevant to the Kamchatka delegation, and the awareness raising events planned in Kamchatka in 2005 will include presentations and reports from the Kamchatka delegation's activities in Alaska during the Congress."
Implementing Agenda 21 Sustainable Development and World Citizenship by Lawrence Arturo at explains how the whole modern environmental movement was started by a Baha'i in the 1920s. "The Earth Summit process and the spirit released by the parallel NGO Forum in Rio de Janeiro heightened awareness among the world's five million Bahá'ís and stimulated many to launch efforts to implement aspects of Agenda 21 in their individual and community lives." Baha'i's follow the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh. A Baha'i statement for the 1992 Earth Summit: World citizenship: A Global Ethic for Sustainable Development
The Baha'i's explanation of Ethics and Agenda 21:The successful execution of the programmes enunciated in Agenda 21 will greatly depend on the willingness of the peoples and nations of the world to recognise the vital link between global transformation and spiritual principles. In the Bahá'í view, "the storm battering at the foundation of society will not be stilled unless and until spiritual principles are actively engaged in the search for solutions." Primary among the spiritual principles which must guide the systematic implementation of Agenda 21 is the oneness of humanity. It is this cardinal principle that Bahá'ís believe will provide the spiritual, moral and ethical underpinnings for the successful translation of Agenda 21 into practical action in all parts of the world and at all levels of human society. The oneness of humanity, a spiritual truth which all the human sciences confirm, means more than the occasional reawakening of the spirit of brotherhood and goodwill among people. It implies an organic change in the structure of present day society. According to Bahá'í Writings the principle of the oneness of humanity, "... calls for a wider loyalty, for a larger aspiration than any that has animated the human race ... it repudiates excessive centralisation on one hand, and disclaims all attempts at uniformity on the other. Its watchword is unity in diversity."
"The Bahá'í view on values and the UNCED process was summed up in the statement of the Bahá'í International Community read to the delegates assembled at the Earth Summit on 4 June 1992:
"The profound and far-reaching changes, the unity and unprecedented co-operation, required to reorient the world toward an environmentally sustainable and just future, will only be possible by touching the human spirit, by appealing to those universal values which alone can empower individuals and peoples to act in accordance with long-term interests of the planet and humanity as a whole. Once tapped, this powerful and dynamic source of individual and collective motivation will release such a profound and salutary spirit among the peoples of the earth that no power will be able to resist its unifying force ... The fundamental spiritual truth of our age is the oneness of humanity. Universal acceptance of this principle - with its implications for social and economic justice, universal participation in non-adversarial decision making, peace and collective security, equality of the sexes, and universal education - will make possible the reorganisation and administration of the world as one country, the home of humankind." is a thorough list of communitarian groups around the world.
Is the United States planning a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Iran? Are terrorists planning a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the United States? Is FEMA really buying up all the POTASSIUM IODATE? has a pdf copy of FEMA-Homeland Security Appendix to "Preparedness Planning for a Nuclear Crisis, A Citizens Guide to Civil Defense and Self-Protection" FEMA document HS - 4 - March 1987. 8/07/05- Nordica sent us her lovely view of Mt. McKinley, Alaska, USA!
Recent overcast skies fed wildly inflated rumours that are discredited (left) by an ACL eyewitness. The tallest mountain in North America has not been moved to England. Princess' developers haven't exactly figured out how to do that yet.
"... No! there's the land, have you seen it? It's the cussedest land that I know. From the big purple mountains that screen it, to the deep death-like valleys below..... /Some say God was tired when He made it, some say it's a fine land to shun. Then there are those who would trade it, for no land on earth and I'm one." (Robert Service, Spell of the Yukon)
Can you find the little black bear hiding in this yard? Can it find you? Are GPS trackers bearproof? Some ACL members find time for other fun activities (besides politics).
Next time you're in Valdez, Alaska, check out the Bear Bread Stump geo-cache. Geo-caching is really taking off. These stashes now exist in all fifty states and are all around the world -- even in Iraq and Afghanistan. Maybe geocaching could become the alternative to war crusades!