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"The purpose of this book is to define a new global governmental system and the methods of achieving it. Community Communism is the creation of new territories and a new division of the responsibilities and powers of government. Community Communism shall be implemented in stages: first by county and finally globally. The present system is the result of the violence of history and the nationalism of global conquest. The needs of the present and the future require government designed to facilitate the realities of the global economy and global peace." |
"The Socialist Alliance programme is the foundation upon which everything else is built, including in time our exact organisational forms and constantly shifting tactics. The programme links our continuous and what should be all-encompassing agitational work with our ultimate aim of a communitarian, or communist, system... Put another way, the programme represents the dialectical unity between theory and practice." [emphasis added] Posted by Towards a common Socialist Alliance programme Communist Party Weekly Worker 368, January 25 2001. |
"communism: at Freedictionary.com by Farlex Revolutionary socialism based on the theories of the political philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, emphasizing common ownership of the means of production and a planned, or command economy. The principle held is that each should work according to his or her capacity and receive according to his or her needs. Politically, it seeks the overthrow of capitalism through a proletarian (working-class) revolution. The first communist state was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) after the revolution of 1917. Revolutionary socialist parties and groups united to form communist parties in other countries during the inter-war years. After World War II, communism was enforced in those countries that came under Soviet occupation. Communism as the ideology of a nation state survives in only a few countries in the 21st century, notably China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, and Vietnam, where market forces are being encouraged in the economic sphere." |
"America is becoming a full-blown communitarian society. In the name of saving the environment, Communist environmentalists are attacking property rights. In the name of group rights, communitarian masters are destroying individual rights. In the name of saving "the Children," they are breaking down ties of family, country, and religion. In the name of "public safety" and "crime prevention," they are producing chaos, hatred, and distrust. Most communities now have community police, and, just as in other communitarian societies, community Thought Police are increasingly being used to detect, investigate, and report "suspicious activities," "political crimes," "hate crimes," and "anti-social" behavior. Anti-social behavior is defined as failing to yield to governmental authority for the good of the community and asserting your individual rights, including property rights. Anyone who fails to see the "(Party) light," i.e., normal, rational, intelligent, freedom-loving individuals, has to be cured, which is the purpose of the ubiquitous community mental health centers. Ultimately, if Communists succeed in creating their New World Order, community health centers will inevitably utilize totalitarian methods, such as the inhuman compulsory psychiatric treatment currently employed in Russia."MASTERS OF SEDUCTION Beguiling Americans Into Slavery and Self-destruction Copyright © 2000 by Jeri Lynn Ball posted at Rumormillnews.com. |
"In 1851, Karl Marx wrote, "We say to the workers: `You will have to go through fifteen, twenty, fifty years of civil wars and international wars, not only in order to change existing conditions, but also in order to change yourselves and fit yourselves for the exercise of political power.'" Marx, the activist and theoretician, realized the road to communist revolution was neither absolutely known or unknown. PLP's own march along the road to revolution has taken us through the process of many changes. Each has been a struggle to equip our Party for the seizure of power and the building of communist society. As the road to communism draws closer, the path gets clearer." |
"In 1851, Karl Marx wrote, "We say to the workers: `You will have to go through fifteen, twenty, fifty years of civil wars and international wars, not only in order to change existing conditions, but also in order to change yourselves and fit yourselves for the exercise of political power.'" Marx, the activist and theoretician, realized the road to communist revolution was neither absolutely known or unknown. PLP's own march along the road to revolution has taken us through the process of many changes. Each has been a struggle to equip our Party for the seizure of power and the building of communist society. As the road to communism draws closer, the path gets clearer." Road to Revolution 4.5- Smash Reformism- Fight for Communism posted by PLP |