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Herr Doktor Amitai Etzioni né Werner Falk

Guru, Zionist, Fabian, CFR, sociologist, founder of communitarianism, father of socio-economics

by Niki Raapana, April 2003, last updated October 4, 2005

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Overview of the two opposing schools of thought

by Niki Raapana, ACL co-founder, August 25, 2006

Promoting global government: The Communitarians
creating a supra-national system of "values" that over-rules all national law

Modern Communitarianism is a philosophy based in the Hegelian dialectic, an economic and social theory based in Soviet Marxism, a legal theory based in Chinese communism, and a metaphysical belief in the Kabbalah-Torah-Talmudic Law, Lucifer and/or The Holy Bible. Dialectical reasoning began more than 2000 years ago. (For clarification of the ACL co-founder Niki Raapana's position on religion, see: The Role of Religion in the Communitarian Synthesis.)

There is a prevailing upper academic dialectical theory that communitarians know more about morality and justice than anyone else. They lecture endlessly on our need to learn their values. They need us to help them re-build community, spread freedom, eliminate nations, limit privacy, abolish private property, and expand their political power.

In the U.S., the communitarian programme is spoken of in soft, fuzzy terms.

"[communitarianism is] a notion that years of celebrating individual freedom have weakened the bonds of community, and that the rights of the individual must be balanced against the interests of society as a whole. Inherent in the philosophy is a return to values and morality, which, the school of thought believes, can best be fostered by community organizations." (Robert Putnam of Harvard University and a Bush speechwriter, explaining President Bush's belief in the communitarian philosophy for The Washington Post, 2002)

In the Communist's Weekly Worker, they call the programme "the dialectical unity between theory and practice."

"The Socialist Alliance programme is the foundation upon which everything else is built, including in time our exact organisational forms and constantly shifting tactics. The programme links our continuous and what should be all-encompassing agitational work with our ultimate aim of a communitarian, or communist, system. Our programme thus establishes the basis for agreed action and is the lodestar, the point of reference, around which the voluntary unity of the Socialist Alliance is built and concretised. Put another way, the programme represents the dialectical unity between theory and practice." Posted by Towards a common Socialist Alliance programme Weekly Worker 368, January 25 2001. See also: 5. The transition to the communitarian system in the same issue of the American Communist Party's Weekly Worker.

Some sources tell us that communitarianism is nothing but a foolish American conspiracy theory. Indeed, most Americans do not believe there are ANY plans for a supra-national world order under supreme communitarian law. Sources like the one below show how scattered the topic really is.

"communitarian is mentioned in the following topics: Anabaptists (in church, Protestantism); analytic philosophy; Anglicanism; Balkan Action Committee; Bill O'Reilly (commentator); Brussels-Capital Region; Charles Taylor (philosopher); Christian anarchism; Christian Democratic Party (Uruguay); Christian Democratic Party of Chile; Coalition to Stop Gun Violence; consociationalism; Danite; Democracia Popular (Ecuador); Deng Xiaoping; Earth First!; Ebionites; Erich Fromm; Falconist Party; George Grant; Goh Keng Swee; Grateful Dead, The (music, United States); Harry Clay Trexler; History of the Latter Day Saint movement; History of the People's Republic of China; History of the People's Republic of China (2/4); Idiotarian; Ismaili; John B. Cobb; John Forbes Nash; John Macmurray; Kwame Gyekye; Law of Consecration; liberal democracy; Luberon; moderate; New Harmony, Indiana; New World Order (conspiracy); political economy; political spectrum; post-colonialism; radical middle; Rigdonite; Social ecology; social theory; spiral dynamics; Timeline of Western philosophers; Zapatista Army of National Liberation; Álvaro Uribe; Área Metropolitana de Lisboa."('s list of links called "Communitarian Mentioned In.")

The leader of the unheralded transition to a communitarian system in the U.S. is the Israeli founder of the Communitarian Network, Dr. Amitai Etzioni.

"Self-determination movements, a major historical force for more than 200 years, have largely exhausted their legitimacy as a means to create more strongly democratic states. While they long served to destroy empires and force governments to be more responsive to the governed, with rare exceptions self-determination movements now undermine the potential for democratic development in non democratic countries and threaten the foundations of democracy even in the democratic ones. It is time to withdraw moral approval from most of the movements and see them for what they are--destructive." (Etzioni published papers, #227, "The Evils of Self-Determination," Foreign Policy, No.89, (Winter 1992-93), pp.21-35, Reprinted in: Moresh No.2,Vol 2, (Oct 1993), The Annals of the International Institute of Sociology, Vol.IV, (1994),pp.163-176.)

A former member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Etzioni's signature pops up on resolutions passed by the PNAC (Project for a New American Century) and various elite international conferences on global policing. Etzioni co-founded the new science of socio-economics with the former President of the Soviet Union (Mikhail Gorbachev, Green Cross International). Self-labled as a "guru" of communitarian morality, he also lectures and performs government "studies" for the Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies, hosted by George Washington University (GWU) in Washington D.C.

Dr. Amitai Etzioni and the communitarians are rebuilding the world.

"The world needs a new global architecture, additional layers of governance, to deal with issues that neither nations nor traditional forms of intergovernmental organizations can cope with." ("Europe, A Beautiful Idea" by Amitai Etzioni, September 2004 conference at the Hague)

The Hegelian dialectic

Communitarianism is the final Hegelian "synthesis" in the conflict between the far left and the far right. The communitarians determined (based on their more moral outlook) that all national and individual rights (to property, privacy, self-determination, etc.) must be balanced against the rights of the community at large. Communitarians solved the "struggle" between too many rights and not enough responsibilities. They are the solution. Their ideas, their laws, their values.. these are the only things that matter anymore. They alone will replace every system in the world. The new global architecture requires submission from everyone who believes something different.

Anything based in Hegel uses the conflict theory, and is often vague and difficult to understand... on purpose. Communitarianism is no exception.

"In a passage that is notable for its vagueness, Azevedo says that the CEBs should be the basis for a new communitarianism that rejects the two "bankrupt" models and systems "that are now polarizing the world," capitalism and Marxist socialism. This communitarianism is to be "a dialectical synthesis, a new creation, superimposing itself on thesis and antithesis rather than retrieving them." The passage illustrates the controversy in Latin American Catholicism between those who continue to endorse the "third-position-ism" (tercerismo) of Catholic social teaching and those (including all liberation theologians that I know of) who believe that only socialism can be in accord with Christian values." (Theology Today-Basic Ecclesial Communities in Brazil: The Challenge of a New Way of Being Church By Marcello deC. Azevedo, S.J.Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press, 1987. 304 Pp.)

The goal is always to confuse the issue.

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain." (Frederic Bastiat, The Law, 1850)

Georg Hegel's theory was dialectical idealism. Karl Marx's theory was dialectical materialism. The end result was Amitai Etzioni's diabolical communitarianism. Hegel has had many followers, one of whom was Adolph Hitler. Like his followers, Hegel believed the "state is the supreme being" and that an individual's only purpose in life is to serve the state. Because vibrant human beings naturally resist robbery, slavery, and murder, the directors of the state police (KGB, Stassi, Gestapo, et. al.) always play a strong, central role in a Hegelian based government system. As the world integrates into a global communitarian regime change, the role of the police will expand accordingly.

Hegels' statism is called by many names, including communitarianism.

"Commercial immorality indeed. This is the recognizable universe of our own time where the rich, capital, markets, and profit are still all attacked in the fashionable press, academia, and art by people educated in Marxist Sixties radicalism but completely ignorant or uncomprehending of the most elementary principles of free market economics. The full force of Hegel's statism, whether today it is called "communitarianism," the "politics of meaning," or something else, thus descends on property. And when any kind of private action becomes a matter of money, employment, children, weapons, or political activity (in someone's definition), then the state continues on in, police (which may be Hegel's own neologism, by the way), prosecutors, prisons, and all. Hegel, indeed, would be proud." Dr. Kelly Ross, Ph.d.

The Soviet dialectic

Etzioni's socio-economic partner marketed his totalitarian police state as a "benign complex" enforcing communitarian volunteerism.

"During the Soviet period, the state was represented as a benign complex furthering egalitarian and communitarian ideology with citizens encouraged towards self-sacrifice in the name of supreme national interests." (RUSSIAN GEOPOLITICAL CULTURE IN THE POST-9/11 ERA: THE MASKS OF PROTEUS REVISITED* by John O'Loughlin, Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado at Boulder, Gearóid Ó Tuathail (Gerard Toal) Government and International Affairs, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Alexandria Centre, Virginia, and Vladimir Kolossov Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. " *This research is supported by a grant, number 0203087, from the U.S. National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Program.)

Supra-national integration requires a complete reorganization of all political structures. Soviet communities are built from the ground up (after destroying the former foundations). Everyone in a Soviet neighborhood is identified and told where and how they will contribute. The programme is always explained as the only way to "improve the neighborhood." New meetings encourage local residents to reveal their concerns and fears, and the neighborhood organization is built upon promises to allieviate their problems. Active participants are rewarded with greater powers. The leaders are invited to help incorporate U.N. Local Agenda 21 plans (a different level of power).

"Metropolitan Organizations for People works through local organizing committees, which use dialogues to create opportunities for individuals to respond to the needs of their families and participate in the improvement of their community. The Rebuilding Community Campaign focuses on empowering people in the local neighborhoods. Through one-on-one visits with neighbors and fellow congregation members, the campaign attempts to expose major concerns facing families, identify potential new leaders from the community and examine the cultural diversity of Denver. Community members are trained by MOP volunteers and members of the local organizing committees to reach out and listen to the fears and frustrations of neighbors, discuss how the problems affect their families and challenge them to get involved. Active participants in the campaign receive leadership training and control the direction of the organization. As these leaders do more and more one-on-one visits and build a team of neighbors, they are trained in doing research to better understand why the problems exist and what can be done. Also, leaders are trained in how to run meetings, make agendas and develop a powerful and efficient organization that can operate at different levels of power and decision making." (One America-Rebuilding Communities Campaign)

The Marxist dialectic

"Revolutionary socialism based on the theories of the political philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, emphasizing common ownership of the means of production and a planned, or command economy. The principle held is that each should work according to his or her capacity and receive according to his or her needs. Politically, it seeks the overthrow of capitalism through a proletarian (working-class) revolution. The first communist state was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) after the revolution of 1917. Revolutionary socialist parties and groups united to form communist parties in other countries during the inter-war years. After World War II, communism was enforced in those countries that came under Soviet occupation. Communism as the ideology of a nation state survives in only a few countries in the 21st century, notably China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, and Vietnam, where market forces are being encouraged in the economic sphere."( by Farlex)

The goal of Marxism has always been to "change existing conditions."

"In 1851, Karl Marx wrote, "We say to the workers: `You will have to go through fifteen, twenty, fifty years of civil wars and international wars, not only in order to change existing conditions, but also in order to change yourselves and fit yourselves for the exercise of political power.'" Marx, the activist and theoretician, realized the road to communist revolution was neither absolutely known or unknown. PLP's own march along the road to revolution has taken us through the process of many changes. Each has been a struggle to equip our Party for the seizure of power and the building of communist society. As the road to communism draws closer, the path gets clearer." ("Road to Revolution 4.5- Smash Reformism- Fight for Communism" posted by PLP)

Followers of Karl Marx continue to call the most vocal supporter of the original American system a "philistine" (which means an uncouth non-Jew).

"Being a true German philistine, Herr List, instead of studying real history, looks for the secret, bad aims of individuals, and, owing to his cunning, he is very well able to discover them (puzzle them out). He makes great discoveries, such as that Adam Smith wanted to deceive the world by his theory, and that the whole world let itself be deceived by him until the great Herr List woke it from its dream, rather in the way that a certain Düsseldorf Counsellor of justice made out that Roman history had been invented by medieval monks in order to justify the domination of Rome." (KARL MARX VS. CYNICAL REASON: ON SUPPOSITIONS OF NAKED SELF-INTEREST at Ralph Dumain's Autodidact Project. His SOURCE: Marx, Karl, On Freedom of the Press, Rheinische Zeitung, No. 139, Supplement, May 19, 1842; in: Marx Engels Collected Works, Volume 1 (New York: International Publishers, 1975), p. 171.)

Friedrich List had the gall to challenge both sides of the capitalism versus communism dialectic. He was one of what's termed "The Historical School," meaning he was a historical scholar who based his ideas on factual historical observations rather than on illusions and metaphysics. The "Communist Manifesto" was published after he died. The American System died soon after.

It is this theory, sir, which furnishes to the opponents of the American System the intellectual means of their opposition.... Boasting of their imaginary superiority in science and knowledge, these disciples of Smith and Say are treating every defender of common sense like an empiric whose mental power and literary acquirements are not strong enough to conceive the sublime doctrine of their masters." (Friedrich List, The National System of Political Economy, 1841)

The Chinese dialectic

The People's Republic of China is the strongest communitarian nation in existence. Their Cultural Revolution happened over fifty years ago. They are the emerging leaders in the communitarian supra-national system. Communist Chinese communitarian case law examines, among other principles, "changes in the nature of confession."

"... examines confessions and criminal case disposition in China. It describes how wider economic reforms in China and subsequent changes in its legal system may have affected the nature and consequence of criminal confessions. Bivariate and multivariate analyses of a sample of 1,009 criminal court cases reveal that the majority of offenders confessed to their crime and that confession is associated with less severe punishments (e.g., lower risks for imprisonment, shorter sentences). Changes in the nature of confession and its impact on criminal court practices are also examined before and after legal reforms in the mid-1990s. These context-specific findings are then discussed in terms of their implications for understanding the interrelationships between legal structure, legal culture, and case disposition in communitarian-based societies." (Blackwell Synergy. This "Confessions and Criminal Case Disposition in China" by Hong Lu, Terance D. Miethe, Law & Society Volume 37 Issue 3 Page 549 doi:10.1111/1540-5893.3703003 - September 2003.)

Leading scholars predict a major shift by the year 2020. Some are even calling it "The Chinese Century."

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China's unprecedented rise, fueled by foreign investment and technology, has put the Asian giant on a path to surpass the United States economically by 2025, the author of a new book on China said on Tuesday.

"U.S. pressure on Chinese authorities to revalue the yuan currency will bring only a brief respite from the fusion of cheap-but-skilled labor, imported technology and economies of scale that make China so competitive, said Oded Shenkar.

"His book "The Chinese Century," represents neither a "China-bashing book" nor the 1980s "Japan as Number One genre," the Ohio State University business management professor said.

""The rise of China is a watershed," Shenkar told Reuters in an interview. "I compare it to the rise of the United States in the late 19th century."

"Britain, the leading power of that era, did not take its former American colony seriously despite the geopolitical implications of the U.S. emergence. China aims to regain the world preeminence it had before the modern era, he said.

"More than becoming a new Japan, "China will be overtaking the United States between 2020 and 2025," Shenkar said.

"The Israeli-born researcher said he put China's emergence as the world economic power about two decades earlier than most analysts by measuring purchasing power rather than nominal figures to measure output and growth.

""I believe first of all that the Chinese economy is actually larger than the numbers would suggest," he said. ("China Poised to Overtake U.S. in 2020s" By Paul Eckert, Asia Correspondent, r_dc)

The Talmudic dialectic

"... The ultimate purpose of the Talmud is ... to seek out truth. ... The Talmudic dialectic can be compared to an inquiry in pure science, particularly in the sphere ... of mathematics. ..." by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, "The Talmud: The Steinsaltz Edition" (Random House))

U.S. lawyers and judges are being retrained to base decisions on Talmudic Law.

"The launch of the Washington-based National Institute for Judaic Law was marked Tuesday night with a kosher dinner at the Supreme Court attended by 200 people, including three Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Stephen Breyer, and Antonin Scalia.

"US President George W. Bush sent greetings and applauded the institute for promoting an "understanding of Judaism's rich tradition of legal thought."

"As we face new challenges and welcome new opportunities, our society must continue to promote good character and strong values. Through the study and teaching of Jewish law and philosophy you are contributing to a growing culture of service, citizenship, and responsibility in America," Bush wrote." ("The National Institute for Judaic Law was announced as a way to promote the applications of its teachings into U.S. courtrooms," reported By Janine Zacharia in The Jerusalem Post, Nov. 9, 2002)

Judaic law is religious law. The first line of Article One of the Bill of Rights is: "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion."

"In addition to the written scriptures we have an "Oral Torah", a tradition explaining what the Five Books of Moses mean and how to interpret them and apply the Laws. Orthodox Jews believe God taught the Oral Torah to Moses, and he taught it to others, and others taught it to others down to the present day. This tradition was maintained in oral form only until about the 2d century C.E., when much of the oral law was compiled and written down in a document called the Mishnah.

"Over the next few centuries, authoritative commentaries elaborating on the Mishnah and recording the rest of the oral law were written down in Israel and Babylon. These additional commentaries are known as the Tosefta, Mekhileta, Sifra, Sifre, Jerusalem Talmud, and Babylonian Talmud. The last was completed at about 500 C.E.

"The two largest works are the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud. The Babylonian one is more comprehensive, and is the one most people mean when they refer to The Talmud.

The Mishnah is divided into six sections called sedarim (in English, orders). Each seder contains one or more divisions called masekhtot (in English, tractates). There are 63 masekhtot in the Mishnah. Most, though not all, of these masekhtot have been addressed in the Talmud. Although these divisions seem to indicate subject matter, it is important to note that the Mishnah and the Talmud tend to engage in quite a bit of free-association, thus widely diverse subjects may be discussed in a seder or masekhtah..."(Torah 101. Yale College Library Catalog lists 3 texts: The Talmud, The Torah (Tanakh), and The Zohar (Cabala)., Codes of Jewish Law.)

The Kabbalah is often described as The Truth Tree or The Tree of Knowledge. (Amitai Etzioni means Tree of Knowledge from Zion)

"Jewish meditation (Jewish mysticism, the Kabbalistic System of Insight): Judaic "approach to personal growth" promoted by Chabad Lubavitch of Long Island, New York. The cabala (cabbala, cabbalah, kabala, kabbala, kabbalah, kabbalism, Qabalah, Qabbalah) is an eclectic and multiform mystical system of ancient Jewish origin analogous to yoga. It encompasses "angelology," demonology, meditation, and prayer." (Dictionary of Metaphysical Healthcare Unnaturalistic Methods: J-K © 1997 Jack Raso, M.S., R.D.)

Israeli Jews claim to have developed "a system of courts for non-Jews adhering to the Seven Laws of Noah, which the Torah obligates all of humanity to follow."

"Also present at the meeting on Monday, though not seated in the 71-seat semi-circular row of chairs, was famed archaeologist Dr. Vendyl Jones. He is working with the Sanhedrin to establish a system of courts for non-Jews adhering to the Seven Laws of Noah, which the Torah obligates all of humanity to follow. One of those laws is to establish courts of justice. A high court has been established by the Sanhedrin for such purposes, and a subsidiary of that court will soon be established in the United States as well."( Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz Elected to Head Sanhedrin 14:51 Jun 23, '05 / 16 Sivan 5765, By Ezra HaLevi, Israeli National News.)

The Christian dialectic

Expanding Hegel's idea of achieving "spirit."

"The similarities between the strategy of National-Anarchism and the triadic analysis of the famous German philosopher, Georg Friedrich Hegel, are tremendous. Hegel believed that when confronted with the ineffectiveness of a thought or affirmation (thesis) and its subsequent negation (antithesis), the result is a yet further negation as the two original precepts are united and thus resolved at a much higher level (synthesis). Once this process takes place, the synthesis itself can then be negated by another antithesis, until the arrival of a second synthesis starts the whole process over again. This brings us back to our long and repeated flirtations with trinitarianism. When considered from this perspective, National-Anarchism appears to be the next logical next towards the raising of mankind's spiritual and intellectual consciousness." Transcending the Beyond "From Third Position to National-Anarchism" By Troy Southgate.

Who was Eric Gill?

"Eric Gill (1882-1940) was born in Brighton, England, to a minister of a small Protestant sect. He eventually became an artist, well known for his sculptures, engravings, sketches, writings, and type fonts. He married in 1904 and joined the Fabian Socialist Society in 1905. As is noted in Distributist Perspectives, he is one of the founding members of the Distributist worker community at Ditchling, Sussex. It was there that he entered the Catholic Church in 1913. In his lifetime, he would found two more worker communities. He would receive many important and prestigious commissions, including works for Westminster Cathedral, the League of Nations, the BBC, and the London Transport before his death in 1940." ( "Eric Gill, the Pedophile Founder of Distributism" by Patrick Odou,

Distributism defined:

"Distributism is an economic and social theory based on Catholic social teaching, regarded as a 'third way' between Capitalism and Socialism. It is one of the ideological roots of the Catholic Worker Movement, and has had an indirect influence on the New Economics of E. F. Schumacher and through him on today's Green movement." (

The late Pope claimed his Catholic version for a New Global Order was "the vision of a unified human destiny."

"Pope John Paul's great vision of communitarianism and a New Global Order has yet to receive the recognition it deserves in furthering the understanding that humanity is built on religious values, without which transformations in totalitarian regimes would have been impossible. The essence of communitarianism, as put forth by the Vatican, consists of seeking middle ground between Marxist collectivism and rigid individualism and capitalism. Phillips traces the history of communitarianism through Aristotelian and Judeo-Christian writings, clarifying the proper function of the community in helping individuals help themselves by mobilizing church resources and countering anti-religious movements such as Nazism and communism. Communitarianism presents an encouraging universal notion of freedom, transcending the one-sided stances of Marxism and libertarian capitalism and promoting the vision of a unified human destiny." (Communitarianism, the Vatican, and the New Global Order by Robert L. Phillips, Carnegie )

The Faith Based Initiative was reintroduced as H.R. 7 The Charitable Giving Act, and it was passed by the House September 17, 2003. It was also established via Executive Order, "By Executive Order, effective immediately, each of the following Cabinet agencies will create its own Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to work in tandem with the White House OFBCI, to make federal grants available to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives nationwide."

"For years, faith-based and community groups have been assisting people in need. Unfortunately, the Federal government has often not been a willing partner to these faith-based and community groups. President Bush wants to change this. He believes that all groups - faith-based or secular, large or small - should compete on a level playing field, so long as they obey all legal requirements. The White House Conferences on Faith-Based and Community Initiatives will educate attendees about the President's Initiative. The conferences will provide participants with information about the Federal funding process, available funding opportunities, the requirements that come with the receipt of Federal funds, and cutting-edge practices from other organizations. The White House is hosting the conferences with support from the Departments of Justice, Agriculture, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Education, and the Agency for International Development." (President George W. Bush, Remarks at the 11th Regional White House Conference on Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, Los Angeles, CA, March 3, 2004)

There are two sides to the faith based "conflict."

"Advocates of enlisting faith-based organizations in the provision of public services point to anecdotal evidence of the success of faith-based programs. They argue that the dangers posed by the social problems such as drug addiction or teen homicide outweigh any threat to the separation of church and state posed by the use of faith-based organizations. They often argue that faith-based or religiously oriented approaches are inherently more effective than secular approaches in changing behavior.

Opponents argue that directing government funds, at either the federal or state level, to sectarian organizations raises serious separation issues. While organizations such as Catholic Charities and Lutheran Charities have long received large subsidies from the federal government, such traditional charities have pursued their efforts in a self-consciously nonsectarian manner. Critics argue that newer faith-based approaches, such as that embodied by Eugene Rivers program in Boston or Charles Colson's Prison Fellowship, rely explicitly on proselytization as the means of effecting behavioral change. Subsidies to such organizations, according to critics, can amount to violations of the Constitution's establishment clause because they involve the state directly in supporting the spread of particular religious views." ("Delivery of Social Services through Faith-Based Organizations", published by the Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies at George Washington University, Washington DC.)

The Faith Based Initiative is based entirely in communitarian principles. Not only did the "advocates" side win the debate, but according to Professor William De Leon Granados, a Crime Mapping Consultant for COMPASS, there are basically only two main sources for federal grants these days, Homeland Security and Faith Based.

The final synthesis

Communitarians are part of The Open Conspiracy to change the world. Born of Fabian Socialism, they call themselves "social designers."

"The old ideologies positioned politics as a struggle for ownership, the historic battle between socialism and capitalism. The Third Way, by contrast, sees politics as an exercise in communitarianism: rebuilding the relationships and social capital between people. It aims to put the social back into social justice. This is an important strategy for combating individualism and generating a sense of collective responsibility in society. " (Australian Fabian Society, Re-inventing Collectivism: The new Social Democracy by Mark Latham, Member for Werriwa Third Way Conference, Centre for Applied Economic Research, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 12 July 2001)

Every national system on the planet is inferior to communitarianism. Throughout the 1990s, communitarianism was introduced as a novel Third Way to supplant "the failed and outdated dogma of past and present governments." The British Fabian Socialist Labour Party is the head cheerleader for the "resultant synthesis."

"Third Way is a political party based in Britain which advocates a practical decentralisation of power through constitutional reform and the creation of a society in which wealth is more equitably distributed.

"A party rather different from the rest, Third Way combines democratic socio-economic reform and inclusive nationalism with co-operative internationalism and ecological awareness; supporting the right to genuine self-determination for peoples throughout the world. The resultant synthesis, still evolving, offers an alternative approach to politics -- a new perspective, in contrast to the failed and outdated dogma of past and present governments...." (

Author Anton Chaitkin wrote about the Third Way in the April 2003 Executive Intelligence Review. Chaitkin tells us the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) was formed by Al From on March 1, 1985, intitialy aided with funds from the Heritage Foundation chief Ed Feulner. Senator Moynihan appears prominintly in DLC start-up operations, and Chaitkin explains the roles of his "clique," ie: Lynn Forrester who later married Sir Evelyn Rothschild, Elliot Abrams (current chief of Middle East Affairs for NSC), Abram Schulsky, and Gary Schmitt, (later head of the PNAC).

Chaitkin tells us the Policy Network was created in England at the end of Clinton's presidency to coordinate Third Way efforts between Blair's crony Peter Mandelson and the DLC. Chaitkin further tells us on p. 30 that, "the official channel from the DLC to Blair's 'Third Way' inner council was funded entirely by Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, head of Britain's famous N.M. Rothschild bank," and that a New York mobster named Michael Steinhardt financed and chaired the first DLC board. While the PPI search engine lists no documents for a Michael Steinhardt, nor for Sir Evelyn, Clinton opened his Remarks by the President at DLC Gala in Dec 1994 by saying how glad he was when Michael Steinhardt and Al From joined him on the stage. In this Gala speech Clinton calls community policing "a DLC idea- we've been advocating it for years."

"From wants to escape the liberal-conservative tug of war, which the Democrats inevitably lose, and replace it with a brave new world of "information-age politics," "reciprocal obligation," "innovative non-bureaucratic approaches to governing," and a blizzard of equally ineffable buzz-phrases with which to bewilder GOP strategists." ( New Democrats Online)

Here's a wonderful example of how dialectical thinking can be twisted to mean whatever you want it to mean:

"The central feature in the platform of the American Revolutionary Party is its proposed Capital Homestead Act. This act calls for a comprehensive restructuring of America's economic policies to grow the economy in ways that create a nation of capital owners, citizens who are independent of big government, big business, and big labor for their economic well-being. This Act is based on the party's Just Third Way philosophy. This philosophy embodies a morality, respect for life and human dignity, and sense of the common good that is more just than socialism (which institutionalizes envy) and capitalism (which institutionalizes greed). Because it is based on changing the system for financing future growth to equalize ownership opportunity, Capital Homesteading will lift poor and middle-income Americans, without redistributing existing wealth from today's tiny ownership elite." (The American Revolutionary Party Platform)

The obstacles

Rebuilding a "new world order" required curtailing our "much-cherished sovereignty" and "amending our Constitution."

"When I check my thesaurus to find synonyms for sovereignty, the terms "king," "lord," "dominant" and "absolute" pop up. No wonder we are so reluctant to allow inroads into our right to self-government. Who wants to be lorded over by others, let alone dominated by foreigners? After all, the ability to control our fate is the reason we formed these United States in the first place. Yet, we are increasingly driven to recognize that we are entering an age in which our much-cherished sovereignty may have to be curtailed to serve global economic and humanitarian goals...

"Critics argued that we should not have been involved in either conflict, or we should have acted unilaterally. But we have learned that by acting in unison with other nations, we avoid being perceived as a global bully. Still, putting our armed forces, even in a limited and temporary way, under a supranational command is a significant step toward a new world order, indeed one that may require amending our Constitution." (319. "When Does Global Good Outweigh Our Own Sovereignty?" by Amitai Etzioni, USA Today, December 8, 1999, page 31A.)

Their ultimate goal is to redesign national law under supreme communitarian law (it's called resetting legal doctrines). While communitarian law is openly promoted as the legal standard for all recent free trade agreements and proposed regional unions (EU, NAU, etc.) one of their sneakier (Fabian) tactics is to redefine key words inside incompatible, written (and enforceable) national laws, like The U.S. Bill of Rights. (They also think Americans don't know where the phrase the common good originated.)

U.S. law requires that: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated..." Here's why quiet, illegal "adjustments are often needed" in the USA, and why we need "a new definition of what is reasonable, a specific point of balance between rights and the common good," from the Fabian trained Mega White House guru who founded the Communitarian Network:

"As a scholar who dedicated the last 15 years to communitarian public philosophy, I have frequently argued that individual rights have been unduly expanded, often at the cost of the common good. I joined Harvard law professor Mary Glendon to point critically at the explosive growth of entitlements and the trivialization of rights. For example, some feminists claimed that they had a right to use the men's room even if there was no line at the women's room. And an employee of Macy's claimed that he has a right to play Santa Claus. I could not find such rights in the Constitution, or for that matter, any other place. In addition, I devoted a whole book to the limits of privacy, and I am among those who hold that Sept. 11, 2001, changed what constitutes a "reasonable" search.

However, when we move to reset the balance between individual rights and the common good, we inevitably step on the slippery slope that we face whenever we reset legal doctrines, religious Do's and Don'ts and moral taboos. We hence need to be careful that we not open the floodgates to gross violations of individual rights-that we not end up on our backside on the lowest end of the slope. Some civil libertarians are so concerned about this danger that they would rather not set foot on the slope at all, and prefer to remain frozen in whatever position they find themselves. However, adjustments are often needed. The secret is to set clear markers for the new place on the slope beyond which we will not slide, a new definition of what is reasonable, a specific new point of balance between rights and the common good." (Amitai Etzioni, Communitarian Newsletter #4, received on the elist, October 17, 2005. (also in The National Law Journal Online on September 19, 2005.))

Breaking down the barriers

Etzioni's networks teach our police to reset legal doctrines, like eliminating the old barrier to assassination called "innocent until proven guilty."

"Israel is the Harvard of antiterrorism," said U.S. Capitol Police Chief Terrance W. Gainer. "After returning from Israel, Gainer retrained his officers to shoot a potential suicide bomber in the head rather than aim for the chest, as they were originally taught, because shooting the chest could detonate a suicide vest."

"Last year, Perry, the Israeli commander of the bomb disposal unit and a former member of the Mossad, Israel's central intelligence agency, briefed more than 425 top federal and local law enforcement officials from New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania at a conference at Princeton University. This month, Levy and Perry will be in Chicago." (Israeli Experts Teach Police On Terrorism: Training Programs Prompt Policy Shifts by SARI HORWITZ / Washington Post 12jun2005.)

Etzioni's been advising U.S. Presidents since 1979, and he's since moved on to advising all the state governments. The Communitarian Network did a "study" of all the state driver's licenses security precautions in 2004. The Communitarians are strong proponents of establishing a National ID database. Their entire community development program depends on a completed database that includes every American's personal information. (The name of the American DOJ-COPS' database is COMPASS.)

"The [Communitarian Policy Studies] institute established four steps it said states should take, at a minimum, to ensure effective screening for fraudulent applications and assigned a grade based on how many they used.

"The steps were verifying Social Security numbers using an online database system; requiring proof that the applicant is legally in the United States and a resident in the state; linking license expiration dates to visa expiration dates for foreigners; and using biometric information, such as fingerprints or retinal scans, to verify identity." (Institute rates Alaska DMV as one of most lax in U.S. LICENSES: State disputes claim that it deserves an "F" in verifying applicants' identities. by RICHARD RICHTMYER Anchorage Daily News, April 22, 2004).

They don't exactly need a public office. Communitarians like Amitai Etzioni are satisfied with being quietly "influential with the White House."

"Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros and White House domestic adviser William Galston have come out in favor of the communitarian agenda, and Sen. Bill Bradley goes so far as to say that communitarianism "promises to shape a new political era in much the way progressivism reshaped our nation a century ago..... As a consequence, people are beginning to think critically about what it means to translate such fuzzy, feel-good rhetoric into action.

""This is the Clinton administration's version of 'family values,' something vague and moralistic that everyone supports but no one seems to be able to define," says Professor Walker. "I suspect that what the communitarians, and especially Etzioni, really want is to be influential with the White House. If that's an accomplishment, then they may already be achieving something."" (I or We?, by Michael D'Antonio, Mother Jones, May-June 1994)

Their influence has steadily grown; many leading constitutional scholars now teach that the Bill of Rights was actually a communitarian document.

"Akhil Reed Amar, a leading scholar of constitutional law and author of The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction, explains that the word people is used in a collective sense in the US Constitution. "But the libertarian reading must contend with textual embarrassments of its own. The amendment speaks of a right of 'the people' collectively rather than a right of 'persons' individually. And it uses a distinctly military phrase: 'bear arms.'....The rest of the Bill of Rights confirms this communitarian reading. The core of the First Amendment's assembly clause, which textually abuts the Second Amendment, is the right of 'the people'--in essence, voters--to 'assemble' in constitutional conventions and other political conclaves. So, too, the core rights retained and reserved to 'the people' in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments were rights of the people collectively to govern themselves democratically. The Fourth Amendment is trickier: 'The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.' Here, the collective 'people' wording is paired with more individualistic language of 'persons.'"(Gun

Even the preamble to the U.S. Constitution was "mostly communitarian" now.

"Americans are fond of liberty, particularly the liberty of the individual. We have numerous words to describe it: liberty, freedom, autonomy, privacy, and rights, among others. Until very recently, however, we have not placed as much emphasis on the common good or the public welfare. If the horrific events of September 11 are any indication, this may - and arguably must - change. Community and the Constitution: Our relative lack of focus on the common good is actually quite surprising, given that the preamble to our national Constitution is mostly communitarian, rather than individualistic, in orientation." (TERRORISM, LIBERTY, AND COMMUNITY: Why We Need a Stronger Focus On the Common Good By SCOTT IDLEMAN, Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2001 at

Regardless of the fact that U.S. law is based entirely in property rights, Communitarian developers and judges established the "reasonable" communitarian regulations for controlling, directing and ultimately confiscating American's private property.

"In emphasizing the effect a broad per se rule could have on governmental efforts to implement comprehensive planning goals through diverse land use regulations, Justice Stevens endorsed the communitarian principles that land is a natural resource to be used and enjoyed by present and future generations, and that individual property rights are naturally limited by the fact that human beings are social persons who belong to communities. Decisions regarding the use of privately owned land are subject to reasonable regulations imposed by the government on behalf of the community." (The Supreme Court Upholds Moratoria Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, No. 00-1167, 535 U. S. ___, 122 S. Ct. 1465 (2002), by Peter W. Salsich, Jr., Saint Louis University School of Law,Co-author, Planning and Control of Land Development: Cases and Materials.)

The U.S. Supreme Court upholds communitarian's claims to private property. Legal scholars describe favorable communitarian decisions as "benign."

"The court's decision is a benign communitarian decision. It's endorsing people acting through their representative government. So people should fight like hell in that political arena for one's individual values./ In this case, there's genuine people involved. But in many cases, these are opportunists waiting to hold out. The court said we aren't going to be the engine for that anti-communitarian process." (STEVEN SLOAN, in the Wall Street Journal on 24jun2005, quoting Berkeley land-law professor Antonio Rossmann speaking about the landmark U.S. Supreme Court's Kelo decision.

The communitarian global elites are creating and shaping "a new field of global administrative law."

"Globalization is driving new patterns of governance: rapid growth in direct administration by international agencies, in hybrid transnational governance involving public and private actors, and in cooperative administrative arrangements where national agencies coordinate their policies or act pursuant to decisions taken in international institutions or informal international networks. Much of this global governance is regulatory: making detailed rules, making specific decisions about who gets what, making adjudicative judgments between competing interests. There is so far no unified sense of an administrative law for transnational governance and there are vast unmet problems of accountability, participation, and fairness in these areas of global governance. There already exist many little pieces of the jigsaw, but fragmented into different policy areas with very distinct communities involved, so that most participants have no occasion to debate or even to consider the big picture of how the administration of global governance does work or should work. The conditions now exist to create and shape a new field of global administrative law, encompassing transnational and national law and mechanisms, as one means to influence the way in which demands for accountability and participation in global governance can better be framed and met." Global Administrative Law: National and International Accountability Mechanisms for Global Regulatory Governance April 22 and 23, 2005. Convened by the IILJ and the NYU Center on Environmental and Land Use Law. Co-sponsored by the ABA Section of Administrative Law, and the International Environmental Law Committees of the ABA Sections of International Law and Section of Environment, Energy & Resource (SEER). This is a Centennial Regional Meeting of the American Society of International Law and is made possible in part by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York.

The communitarian argument presumes obediance to U.S. law is "neither necessary nor prudent."

"The argument advanced here presumes that it is neither necessary nor prudent to attempt to end nationalism by head-on attacks on the legitimacy of the nation-state or by favoring its demise. The vision of replacing the nation-state by regional governments and ultimately by a world government (as UN enthusiasts dream), or envisioning a state that acts as a mere framework for the interactions of groups of people of different cultures but commands no loyalty and involvement of its own, is normatively dubious and unnecessarily threatening. Nationalism can be and is best ended by a much more moderate approach." On Ending Nationalism* by Amitai Etzioni, Politik und Gesellschaft Online, International Politics and Society 2001

American students are trained to think like communitarian citizens.

"In this course, we will ask what makes a "just society"? Central to this question is the problem of freedom and order-how do we reconcile our twin desires to promote both individual freedom and common good. Does too much freedom lead to social chaos? Does too much order lead to repression and conformity? What is the right balance? In this course, we will examine the role of law in balancing freedom and order. We will explore the intersection of law, justice, and good citizenship.

"By the end of the course, we hope you can provide informed answers to these questions: Should individuals sacrifice their own interest in service of the collective good? Should they be required by law to do so? To what extent does our contemporary liberal democracy depend on the socially responsible action of its members? What does it mean to do community service and to engage in service-learning? What does citizenship mean? Is it a right-wing term referring to the sacrifice of the self to God and Country? Or is it a left-wing term reflecting a call for citizens to pay attention to the needs of the poor and disadvantaged? Neither? Both?

"Some of the course readings articulate relevant social theories drawn from sociology, psychology, political science, and legal theory, while others provide direct accounts of those engaged in community service. The hidden agenda, of course, in the grand tradition of liberal studies, is to challenge you to develop your own philosophy of law, citizenship, and justice. To make the readings and class discussions concrete, students will participate in one of two service-learning projects and use these opportunities to reflect on their role in the larger society. In one project, you will assist a defense attorney and Skidmore alumnus in a death penalty appeal. In a second project, you will participate in Skidmore's Integrity Board and evaluates its effectiveness as a campus judicial system." (INTRODUCTION TO LAW, CITIZENSHIP, AND JUSTICE Fall 2002 course syllabus.)

Internationally, Communitarians call their violent invasion of the Middle East an "effort to spread freedom."

"The President's fifth principle, however, has drawn criticism from some circles. The President declared that "we're determined to deny the militants future recruits by replacing hatred and resentment with democracy and hope across the broader Middle East." Some deride this "freedom agenda" as idealistic and na ve. Some argue that although well-intentioned, the short-term costs exceed any potential long-term benefits from democratization in the Middle East. The President respectfully disagrees. He believes the freedom agenda is critical for both the United States and Israel. So, this afternoon I would like to discuss why the effort to spread freedom throughout the Muslim world will leave both the United States, and Israel, safer and more secure." (Remarks by Stephen Hadley to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee National Summit 2005 White House Press Release, October 31, 2005)

In spite of Israel's role in the expanding war against Middle Eastern Arabs, some leaders urge moving the U.N. to Jerusalem.

"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez denounced the U.S.-led war in Iraq on Thursday and told world leaders they should consider moving the U.N. headquarters out of the United States because of it." (Chavez urges leaders to consider moving U.N. to Jerusalem UNITED NATIONS (AP) 9-16-2005)

In 1960's Europe, the emerging theory was called communitarism.

"Starting in 1960, the doctrine of the movement, "National-European Communitarism" whose social character was affirmed from the beginning, derived from national-communist positions.

"After the definitive elimination of the right-wing sector of the organization in 1964, Thiriart would lead Young Europe in a direction in which two general orientations dominate: on one hand, radical anti-Americanism and, on the other, a progressive approach to national-communist positions. Thiriart sees Communitarism as surpassing communism and not as its opponent, this is a typical national-Bolshevik posture. In 1965, he defined Communitarism as "national-European socialism" and he added that "in the mid century, communism will become, wanting it or not, Communitarism" (19). In this, history has had to agree with him given that before the fall of the Soviet block, the economic reforms that were introduced in Hungary and Romania took communist economy towards Communitarism (20)."

"Jean Thiriart's doctrinal works of the early eighties and those developed in the same period by the P.C.N., assume this last tendency. For this purpose, this party presents Communitarism as an "ideology of synthesis that wishes to fuse Marxist-Leninist ideologies and national-revolutionary ones into a synthesis of doctrinal offensive: the socialism of the XXI century"" (47). (Marxism-Leninism and National- Bolshevism at

Coalitions of Communitarians infiltrate governments, start ideological wars, and provide troops, police, advisors, facilitators, and their own contractors to well-funded disaster areas. They then proceed to rebuild an entirely new imperial community out of the rubble. Everyone in the U.S. will help get the job done. We're the Armies of Compassion. (See: Universal National Service Act 2006.) Iraq is a pilot test for exporting communitarian slavery to the entire Middle East.

"It is still too early to tell exactly, or even approximately, what the powers and purview of the new Political Advisory Council will be. It does, however, seem safe to say that the new council, when it officially meets in early July, will not be a precursor to the Western version of democracy, an aggressively secular regime embodying a one-person-one-vote principle and strict majority rule. Rather, it appears to be communitarian in make-up, cleverly designed to give each distinct group a voice and each substantial group an effective veto over recommendations or decrees." (Leonard J. Hochberg, Ph.D, and James D. Hard, Jr., Ph.D., "Creating Democracy in Iraq?" NMIR, June 19, 2003.)

The global organizational structure planned by the communitarians reduces all the nations of the world into subserviance to the Community Empire. Outside the USA, the requirements for membership in the "community" are clearly defined (especially if you can read French).

"En instituant les Communautés, les États membres ont limité leurs pouvoirs législatifs souverains et ont créé un ensemble juridique autonome qui les lie, tout comme leurs ressortissants, et qui doit être appliqué par leurs tribunaux." [Roughly translates to: By establishing the Communities, the Member States limited their sovereign legislative powers and created an autonomous legal unit which binds them, just like their nationals, and who must be applied by their courts."] Eur-Lex-L'AUTONOMIE DE L'ORDRE JURIDIQUE COMMUNAUTAIRE [The AUTONOMY Of The COMMUNITY LEGAL ORDER]

One of their goals is to establish a need for a global police force, combining the US military with the "authority" of the U.N.

[ Death ]

Imperial Communitarian Law eliminates all national borders, overrules all contradictory national law, and sabotages every protected national interest.

"One must act 'as if' in Europe: as if one wanted only very few things, in order to obtain a great deal. As if nations were to remain sovereign, in order to convince them to surrender their sovereignty. The Commission in Brussels, for example, must act as if it were a technical organism, in order to operate like a government ... and so on, camouflaging and toning down. The sovereignty lost at national level does not pass to any new subject. It is entrusted to a faceless entity: NATO, the UN and eventually the EU. The Union is the vanguard of this changing world:it indicates a future of Princes without sovereignty. The new entity is faceless and those who are in command can neither be pinned down nor elected ... That is the way Europe was made too: by creating communitarian organisms without giving the organisms presided over by national governments the impression that they were being subjected to a higher power. That is how the Court of Justice as a supra-national organ was born. It was a sort of unseen atom bomb, which Schuman and Monnet slipped into the negotiations on the Coal and Steel Community. That was what the 'CSC' itself was: a random mixture of national egotisms which became communitarian. I don't think it is a good idea to replace this slow and effective method - which keeps national States free from anxiety while they are being stripped of power - with great institutional leaps - Therefore I prefer to go slowly, to crumble pieces of sovereignty up litle by little, avoiding brusque transitions from national to federal power. That is the way I think we will have to build Europe's common policies..." (Italian Prime Minister Giuliano Amato, later Vice-President of the EU Constitutional Convention, interview with Barbara Spinelli, La Stampa, 13 July 2000. Posted in a great list of quotes compiled by Free

{I'm not sure yet who Schuman is, but the Jean Monnet School of Government grants degrees in Communitarian Law.}

In France, there are writers who think the term communitarian is a new code-word for anti-Semitism.

"A new code word for anti-Semitism has entered the language- "communautarisme"-and Ramadan has been instrumental in its spread. Last October he submitted an editorial to Le Monde and the leftist newspaper Libération entitled ³Critique of the (New) Communitarian Intellectuals²-meaning Jews. To Americans, communautarisme may sound benign, but it is in fact a new way of labeling and identifying separateness-who is a Jew, who is a Muslim-and that concept goes against every principle of the French Republic. Both newspapers turned Ramadan's editorial down, but he promptly posted it on the Web site, the most important Muslim Web site in the country. It read in part, "There is a phenomenon which muddies the facts. For several years (even before the second intifada), French Jewish intellectuals, who until then had been considered universalist thinkers, started from the national as well as international point of view to develop analyses that were more and more influenced by a communitarian concern, which tends to minimize the importance of defending universal principles of equality and justice." The communitarians cited included some of France¹s most distinguished intellectuals, philosophers Alain Finkielkraut and Bernard-Henri Lévy and former health minister Bernard Kouchner. During his debate with Ramadan, Sarkozy confronted him on this point. ³My text is not anti-Semitic,² Ramadan said. ³I condemn anti-Semitism with dire resolve.² On the subject of the stoning of women, he was less conclusive: ³I have asked ... for a moratorium to enable a true debate among Muslims,² he said, which caused a furor in the French press." (Daughters of France, Daughters of Allah by Marie Brenner in Vanity Fair, April 2004)

U.N. Local Agenda 21 Programme for International Sustainable Development is the communitarians' "great institutional leap."

"The 2005 Global Meeting of the Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP) and Localizing Agenda 21 Programme (LA21) partners will take place from 26 June to 1st July in Cuba, hosted by the City of La Havana. The meeting offers the partners of the UN-HABITAT Urban Environment Section the opportunity to advance their collective know-how, exchange experiences, review activities, and discuss how to mainstream Environmental Planning and Management (EPM) into local, national and global policies. The meeting will bring together: mayors, high-ranking city officials, urban practitioners, representatives of central/federal governments, urban institutions, heads of international support programmes and key representatives of donor agencies. The meeting is organized jointly by UN-HABITAT, UNEP, the Government of Cuba and the City of La Havana." (Havanna 2005 UN Habitat United Nations Human Settlements Programme, The Sustainable Cities Programme and the Localizing Agenda 21 Programme-6th Global Meeting of Partners.)

There's more than one way to stop local opponents to UN Local Agenda 21 Programmes.

"I was once a member of a "terrorist" group, show no mercy on civilian terrorists." by Amitai Etzioni at Jewish World

Community Communism

The United Nation's 1987 official definition of sustainable development in Local Agenda 21 Programme is "to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future." Community Communism expresses the exact same needs.

"The purpose of this book is to define a new global governmental system and the methods of achieving it. Community Communism is the creation of new territories and a new division of the responsibilities and powers of government. Community Communism shall be implemented in stages: first by county and finally globally. The present system is the result of the violence of history and the nationalism of global conquest. The needs of the present and the future require government designed to facilitate the realities of the global economy and global peace." (Community Communism at

Community-based economics is another version of the Marxist's dialectical solution.

"I'll make the case that community-based economics constitutes an alternative to both capitalism and socialism; that it is very much in keeping with the Greens' valuation of diversity and decentralization; and that it has the potential to resonate with the public/electorate-and therefore should be highlighted in our organizing work and electoral campaigns. In terms of developing economic policy, Greens should understand that communitarian social relations are more important than economic property relations." (Community-Based Economics: Answers to Respondents, by Steve Welzer, Green Party of New Jersey)

Defending legitimately established governments: Anti-Communitarians
exposing sedition and opposing violent communitarian invasions

Anti-communitarians think that years of celebrating social, reformist, and institutionalist economic theories weakened national self-defense against imperialism.

"The abstract capitalist system that Adam Smith praised and Karl Marx condemned does not in fact exist. It is as much a distortion of real productive systems as would be a model of football that ignored most of the players and took notice only of the two goalkeepers."

"People are living in a snarled-up subset of Marx's thinking, and do not know it. They twist logic to get to conclusions that will suit the current prejudices. They garnish it with a little Christianity or mysticism or whatever, though these play no important part in their world outlook." TRUTH OVERLOOKED: THE LEGACY OF LIST by Gwydion M. Williams (also available via Cal State LA-POLS 426 online reading list.

Inherent in the U.S. anti-communitarian philosophy is respect for the much copied American's Declaration of Independence, cemented by the states into binding law under a national system of protected, unalienable rights of state citizens, which, the school of thought believes, can best be fostered by state citizens enforcing constitutional laws.

"American people, minus older generations, are now a manufactured political body - one manufactured in the public school system and in American universities. They have never been privy to the knowledge that they are, according to the Constitution of the United States of America, themselves, the government. Instead, they have been manipulated into believing that once representatives are elected into power, those representatives ARE the power and must be believed and followed as elected powers. This misinterpretation of citizenship is the downfall of America as a sovereign nation and the downfall of freedom for American citizens. And this is why, at the end of 2005, the American people must read the Constitution, as families, and specifically to children of all ages. It's a small task and a small request. It's one dinner conversation, and I am asking all readers to take this request most seriously. We are at the end of the line. The last generation that has the intellectual ability to help to restore our government is aging. We MUST understand our Constitutional rights AND responsibilities AS DEFINED by our Constitution - THE DOCUMENT THAT ALL ELECTED ARE SWORN TO UPHOLD." (WE, The People, ARE the American Government by Nancy Levant)

Aliance for Citizen's Rights (ACR)
American Constitutional Enforcement (A.C.E.) Gerner
American Policy Center, Tom DeWeese
Dr. Michael Coffman Garner
Faulty Shades Of Green
Charlotte Iserbyt, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
Devvy Kidd
Ed Watch, Education for a Free Nation
Berit Kjos, Crossroads Ministry
William Lewis, One Nation Under Siege
Daniel New, UN Free Zones
News With Views
Michael Shaw, Freedom 21 Santa Cruz
Joan Veon, The Women's Group
Darren Weeks
Dr. Edward Zonkins, In Dispraise of Communitarianism

The plan to usher in the Third Wave has never been a total secret to Americans.

"The plan to usher in the Third Wave rests on four pillars.
1. Get rid of or radically reform the US Constitution
2. Replace it with a direct or semi-direct democracy.
3. Replace majority rule with minority rule
4. Improve government efficiency through a management tool called decision division."
The Third Way Part VI: Eradicating the US Constitution by design By Steve Farrell, web posted April 10, 2000.

It's not all about making America "safer."

"Human Events Online has been leading the coverage of the so-called "Security and Prosperity Partnership," a unilateral program implemented by the Bush Administration designed to set the course for a North American Union that would subsume our national sovereignty. A de facto treaty signed by the leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the U.S., the agreement was never submitted to the Senate for ratification. Now it can be revealed that plans for the North American Union include a tri-national "North American Union" ID card. Are You Ready for a North American ID Card? by by James Plummer Posted Jul 17, 2006, Human Events Online.

As for our sharing Local Agenda 21 plans with Cuba, maybe we should first listen to the warning from the U.S. Department of State.

"COUNTRY DESCRIPTION : Cuba is a totalitarian police state, which relies on repressive methods to maintain control. These methods, including intense physical and electronic surveillance of Cubans, are also extended to foreign travelers. Americans visiting Cuba should be aware that any encounter with a Cuban could be subject to surreptitious scrutiny by the Castro regime's secret police, the General Directorate for State Security (DGSE). Also, any interactions with average Cubans, regardless how well intentioned the American is, can subject that Cuban to harassment and/or detention, amongst other forms of repressive actions, by state security elements. The regime is strongly anti-American yet desperate for U.S. dollars to prop itself up." (Note to U.S. Americans from the U.S. Department of State December 06, 2004.)

If communitarianism is really such a good thing (and not "a form of elitism"), would they have gone to such lengths to hide it from the American people?

"THERE is no doubt that the philosophical outlook called communitarianism has influenced politics in the West. Some of its major tenets have been advanced by Bill Clinton in America and Tony Blair in Britain. Described by its promoters as a "movement" (it's not: it has no popular support or mass membership), communitarianism is a public philosophy developed by a small coterie of academics who have attempted to recast American liberal-Left and European social-democratic ideologies into a new "centrist" mold." The New Golden Rule: Community and Morality in a Democratic Society. - book reviews National Review, March 10, 1997 by John Fonte.

We think our first president would be horrified to find his namesake university hosts the Communitarian Institute. Knowing what he did about the "specious" designs on the Constitution as far back as 1787, perhaps he would have agreed with the American expert who calls it a "criminal conspiracy."

"America is becoming a full-blown communitarian society. In the name of saving the environment, Communist environmentalists are attacking property rights. In the name of group rights, communitarian masters are destroying individual rights. In the name of saving "the Children," they are breaking down ties of family, country, and religion. In the name of "public safety" and "crime prevention," they are producing chaos, hatred, and distrust. Most communities now have community police, and, just as in other communitarian societies, community Thought Police are increasingly being used to detect, investigate, and report "suspicious activities," "political crimes," "hate crimes," and "anti-social" behavior. Anti-social behavior is defined as failing to yield to governmental authority for the good of the community and asserting your individual rights, including property rights. Anyone who fails to see the "(Party) light," i.e., normal, rational, intelligent, freedom-loving individuals, has to be cured, which is the purpose of the ubiquitous community mental health centers. Ultimately, if Communists succeed in creating their New World Order, community health centers will inevitably utilize totalitarian methods, such as the inhuman compulsory psychiatric treatment currently employed in Russia. ("MASTERS OF SEDUCTION, Beguiling Americans Into Slavery and Self-destruction" Copyright © 2000 by Jeri Lynn Ball)

If there exists evidence that communitarianism is barely veiled communism, then it stands to reason that, under U.S. Code, Amitai Etzioni and all his followers can be prosecuted for participating in a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the Government of the United States.

"The Congress finds and declares that the Communist Party of the United States, although purportedly a political party, is in fact an instrumentality of a conspiracy to overthrow the Government of the United States." (U.S. Code Title 50, Chapter 23, Subchapter IV, Section 841 )

International anti-communitarians reject the supremacy of communitarian law in the European Constitution, refuse to abide the emerging supra-national U.N. global government and question the soundness of re-colonialization practices. They "resist with care" the enforcement of global-to-local communitarian laws in their home nations.

Unduped French and Dutch voters rejected the European Constitution in 2005.

"There are some tendencies within the European Union that can be seen with critical eyes," he said, notably "an extension of communitarian law by the European court." ( From Austria, 'new thoughts' for EU by James Kanter, International Herald Tribune, January 1, 2006)

Some nation's presidents weren't at all duped by the Communitarian Platform.

"Because of ambitions to change human beings, communitarianism is a form of elitism. Its advocates have the feeling that they have been chosen to advise, to moralize, to know better than the 'normal' people what is right or wrong, what the people should do, what will be good for them. They want us not only to be free, but to be good, just, moral as well. Of course, in their definition of what is good, just and moral." Klaus Vaclas, 2nd President of the Czech Republic, Society and the Crisis of Liberalism

The Old Etzioni page

"The last thing a communitarian calls for is to abolish any right, let alone privacy. But no right is absolute and all must be balanced against the common good." 249. "Balancing Individual Rights and the Common Good," by Amitai Etzioni, Tikkun, Vol.12, No.1, (January/February 1997), pp. 66-67.

"Both Adam Smith and Karl Marx believed that the purpose of the economy is to provide for the material needs of society and they both assumed that for the most part humans acted in their own self interest. Adam Smith's system protected an individual's freedom, and said that the common good could be attained by all individuals seeking their personal interest. Karl Marx's system provided for equality among individuals and relied on a strong central government to provide for the common good, at least during the transition to the ideal communist society." Socialist Economy at

".. Some historians have depicted the United States as a society centered around Lockean values, those of rights and liberty 8. Actually, it is now widely agreed that the United States had, from its inception, both a strong communitarian and individualistic strand, a synthesis of republican virtues and liberal values 9." Amitai Etzioni in The Emerging Global Normative Synthesis (pdf file) published in The Journal of Political Philosophy Volume 12, Number 2, 2004 pp. 214-244.

etzioni Ever heard of Dr. Etzioni and his Communitarian Network? Most Americans haven't. Americans are never told about the powerful and important role any of the "communitarian thinkers" have in the White House, the U.S. Senate or the House of Representatives. Americans do not vote for the advisers who work behind the scenes. His organizations operate at the highest levels of international discourse and within elite groups of academics working to "change the world" (as per Marx's vision). Americans really have no idea what's been going on in this country for the past few decades. Many of us refuse to believe it even once we know it is true. The undisputable fact is: Etzioni is here to dismantle and destroy our free nation. He may cloak his sinister purposes in lovely terminology that none of us understand, but that's only because he was trained to use Fabian propaganda and promote moral dialogues based in the Hegelian dialectic. He calls his primary American organization The Responsive Community, but because he's more "moral" than Americans, he never responds to his American critics.

Who is Dr. Amitai Etzioni?

Amitai Etzioni is clear about the fact that community government is not to be confused with local governments.

"Nationalism must be ended. It is a creed that has come to burden the expansion of globalism." He explains the communitarian approach as one that, "..favors shifting much of the defining involvements of citizens in those countries afflicted with nationalism from the nation-state to the body society, specifically to communities (not to be confused with local governments)." ("Politik und Gessellschaft Online, International Politics and Society" 2/2001.

The communitarian agenda is to eliminate all nations and establish an all-powerful, central global government. Maybe we need to know a little bit more about this guy.

For many elected and appointed U.S. re-development officials, Amitai Etzioni is the leading moral voice in the U.S. Regardless of his limited fame with American voters, Amitai Etzioni is probably the most influential voice in American politics today. And in case you're wondering why you never heard of him, Etzioni considers working-class Americans to be too uneducated and too immoral to vote for officials (like himself) who hold the real power in the White House. We vote for Etzioni's front men.

His "moral voice" can be heard everywhere from the Oval Office to the Pentagon to the PNAC to the sacred halls of American universities and law schools, across the globe to quiet little policy meetings in Europe. He's a very well-connected internationalist with strong ties to the top global players in London (Fabians), Moscow (Gorbachev) and Jerusalem (Ben Gurion's Zionist revolutionaries). He's definitely a "somebody."

Etzioni represents the confusion in modern party politics. His ideology controls the merger between the American left and right, although most Americans haven't caught on to the name of it yet. When Etzioni's name appears in the media, it's usually as an "expert." His resume is that of a revered elder statesman, but most Americans have never heard of him at all. Until Americans learn who Etzioni is and what his theory does, mass confusion and disorder will reign, and the potential for chaos and violence will grow. The progressive People For the American Way explain the rules of engangement against what they call the Radical Right's Religious McCarthyism: "It is sad and disheartening, as well as reprehensible, that you would lend your name and position to such ugly and divisive political tactics," says PFAW's letter to Frist."

Etzioni doesn't play kid games. This is deadly serious and we have recently been warned that some people in D.C. consider him to be a very dangerous and powerful man. This is almost a joke because we are really just a couple little nobodies who believe our duty as citizens carries the weight of official U.S. law.

We've read so many blogs and articles of Americans trying vainly to explain why some leftists now sound like right-wingers (and visa-vera). Other Americans stick blindly to their "side" and totally blame the other side for what went wrong in D.C. The anti-Bush crowd focuses only on Bush and the far-right focuses on the loudest distractions the left can produce. Etzioni comes out of this fracas and calmly states thta he is our new moderator. What few Americans know (and many refuse to accept) is both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush are great admirers of Dr. Amitai Etioni. BOTH U.S. Presidents implemented Etzioni's plans for rebuilding American society from 1992 to today. A prolific writer, Etzioni has published a lot of ideas for helping the U.S. become a "better" society. Openly Fabian, he doesn't even hide the fact that he's a change agent for the dialectical revolution. He's simply more moral than that now. Today, unlike the terrorist actions of the Etzioni Brigades in 1947, he uses propaganda and lies instead of bullets and bombs to achieve his goals. Amitai Etzioni- Articles in Professional Journals and Books at

Since 1979 many new programs have been introduced that took American land out of American's control. Under Carter, Americans lost millions of acres of American land that now lays in the hands of the United Nations and the elite corp of environmental terrorists who now control all our national land use policies. Of course, as a former Israeli terrorist and Palmach soldier who fought for Israeli independence, he never exactly suggests eliminating the nation of Israel, and in 1959 he held Israel up as an example of an alternative way to democracy. (See 232. "Virtues in a Democracy," Oliver F. Williams, C.S.C and John W. Houck (Eds.), Catholic Social Thought and the New World Order, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, (1993). pp. 285-297.) In 2003 he suppported the Israeli wall (and he thought the U.S. taxpayers should pay for it). He called it A fence to make good neighbors. Today, right on cue, some Americans are saying Mr. Bush, put up this wall!

After being raised in a collective and trained as a terrorist and a revolutionary soldier, he studied the Kaballah and the Hegelian dialectic. He then devoted many years to working with Soviets and Fabians. He began agitating for "peace" in the U.S. in the 1960s and along the way he invented and developed a new science that combines economic theory with social theory. Etzioni is former USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev's partner in the foundation of the science of socio-economics. Exactly like his Kabbalah Zionist, Russian communist, and British Fabian teachers, Etzioni insists the world is destined to evolve into a "supra-national" government. With trained men like himself in top advisory positions, Etzioni's minions have now worked their way all the way down into every American's home. Today all of America lives under a new regulation created by Amitai Etzioni. From turning our state driver's licenses into National digitized ID, to domestic disarmament, and to controlling the internet, Etzioni's influence on U.S. policy covers all aspects of Americans' private lives. But his power and influence don't stop there,

He has a very influential global organization that works for the New World Order Projects. As the senior Israeli advisor in the White House since Carter, Etzioni suggests it's time to eliminate nation states in favor of a supra-national governing body. (This was also David Ben Gurion's dream for creating one-world global court, seated in Jerusalem.) He's present at all the exclusive international meetings of "former" communists and globalists around the world. He hosts privacy seminars and suggests ways to create a nicer global police state. The communitarian agenda at these meetings is never, ever covered by the American "free press" (which is why most Americans have never, ever heard of him or his theory of communitarianism). For 26 years Dr. Etzioni has been advising American Presidents to support his internationalist Fabian-Palmach propaganda and his hard-core Zionist objectives. He teaches American legislators to reach bipartisan consensus and to slowly incorporate "soft core" legislation that eliminates the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Etzioni Conference at the Swiss Foundation for World Affairs May 2004.

Now he's suggesting the daring new idea of combining the communist U.N. with U.S. military power. There is no conflict of ideology between the two nations, not anymore because the leading Soviet communist in the world turned into a capitalist Green. Now these two powerful men are nicer and way more peaceful. You can believe them even though it's okay for communists and socialists and especially communitarians to lie.. but they're not. They care about people and society and want to make a better world for everyone. They know how to make themselves sound really, really good and oh so smart. They could be just about the most caring guys you ever met.

So what do they really care about, these reformed solidiers of 20th century Marxist-Zionist revolutions and wars?

Etzioni really cares about teaching us his new Community Values.

Etzioni's theory is to "empower communities" to be the supreme law as opposed to U.S. laws in U.S. courts (which are required to abide by the U.S. Constitution). His "community" theory distorts the foundation for our most basic Rights, including Freedom of Religion, Redress of Grievances, Right to Bear Arms, Right to Property (in which the right to privacy exists), Right to require legally authorized Search Warrants, and the right to each state's equal status in the Union and of their state citizen's rights to self-determination. His latest book is called: From Empire to Community. In it: "He argues that a 'clash of civilizations' can be avoided and that the new world order need not look like America. Eastern values, including spirituality and moderate Islam, have a legitimate place in the evolving global public philosophy." Etzioni's New Community Order is just another name for the New World Order, and not everyone supports it.

Should it matter to Americans that Etzioni is a German Jew previously named Werner Falk who immigrated to Israel as a child during the Nazi occupation? Should we care that he was raised in a kibbutz and reared on communist values? Etzioni was raised and trained by the Sabbatean Talmudic leaders and Jabotinskys who formed the Israeli Army to fight for the State of Israel. Etzioni fought as a terrorist, a revolutionary, and a soldier. He immigrated to the U.S. in 1958 where he obtained his Masters in Sociology from Berkeley. For his embrace of the New Community Order, he's sometimes referred to as a guru.

Amitai Etzioni came to the US in 1958 and rose to the top of the sociology profession. Not only is he the founder of American communitarianism and author of The Limits of Privacy and The Spirit of Community:The Reinvention of American Society, he is also credited with developing the new science of socio-economics, along with former President and head of the KGB in the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev. For an overview of how well socio-economics is performing in Russia, see Glasnost-Perestroika: A Model Potemkin Village By Steve Montgomery, June 1988.

Like his fellow socio-economics' founder Mikhail Gorbachev who used to be a communist, Etzioni is a paradox of the changing paradigm. After studying his dissertation, his early internationally published works, and his philosophical musings, we compared his early works to his later published communitarian works. It is the ACL's opinion that Etzioni does not write everything he claims (1), (the styles are too varied and conflicting) and we can not understand why his position as a leading Zionist influence in the White House is never mentioned by the American Press. For a complete review of Etzioni's history and his supreme moral influence on American Public Policy from the ACL perspective, please read Chapter Three of Big Mother: An Unsustainable Concept.

Etzioni's critics call his brand of communitarianism "fascist." Etzioni has never responded to the American social scientists who critisized him during his 1995 presidency of the ASA (letter and signatures), but his position as the former ASA president is touted frequently during his lecture tours (without any reference what-so-ever to the controversy surrounding his Libertarian-Fabian-communitarian propaganda).

Etzioni explains he does not mean the "nation-state" must be ended. He says he really means the ideals that put the national into the Supreme position should be "balanced." Here to "shore up" American behaviors, Etzioni refers to our binding contract with our government under U.S. law as "shared values". He never once refers to the Constitution of the United States as non-negotiable LAW, his entire philosophy is based in creating a "higher" law for Americans.

Etzioni's "theory" of U.S. Politics is often placed with Locke, De Tocqueville, and Bellah (another self-proclaimed American expert). For instance:

SOURCES :Notable Selections in American Government, Second Edition by Mitchel Gerber, SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE UNIV; ISBN: 0-07-303185-2, Publication Date: April 1999: Part 1. The Intellectual and Ideological Context of American Government

CHAPTER 1. American Political Culture and Ideology

1.1. John Locke, from Two Treatises of Government
"The great and chief end therefore, of Mens uniting into Commonwealths, and putting themselves under Government, is the Preservation of their Property."

1.2. Alexis de Tocqueville, from Democracy in America
"The people reign in the American political world as the Deity does in the universe."

1.3. Robert N. Bellah et al., from Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life
"Individualism lies at the very core of American culture."

1.4. Amitai Etzioni, from Rights and the Common Good: The Communitarian Perspective
"In the United States, at the onset of the 1990s, communitarians felt that social responsibilities particularly needed *shoring up."

Main Entry: shor·ing
Pronunciation: 'shOr-i[ng], 'shor-
Function: noun
1 : the act of supporting with or as if with a prop

Where does Amitai Etzioni come from?

The Everything Expert: A Review of Amitai Etzioni's My Brother's Keeper by Robert Boynton in The Nation, July 14, 2003 tells us "his adopted name was created by fusing the Hebrew words "truth" (emet), "tree" (etz) and "Israel" (Zion)-". (The Kaballah is a "truth tree".)

"Lacking a high school diploma, Etzioni had difficulty finding a university that would admit him after the war. Luckily, Martin Buber was looking for students to attend his new institute. In addition to studying Kabbalah with Gershon Scholem [whose work "led to the Kabbalah becoming an established academic discipline." ~ed.], Etzioni worked with Buber himself, and was profoundly influenced by the philosopher's notion of "dialogue" ("a give-and-take during which people open up and reach each other profoundly"), as well as his famous distinction between "I-Thou" relationships (treating others as fellow human beings) and "I-It" relationships (treating others as objects). Later, while studying sociology at Hebrew University, Etzioni discovered the concept of "anomie," the condition of spiritual aimlessness that Durkheim argued was the result of modernity's loss of social fabric. The essential concepts of communitarianism were in place." (Boynton 2003).

Amitai Etzioni's General Biography

"I was a high school dropout who chose to join the army and fight to drive the British out of Palestine and face the Arab invasions that followed during what is known as the Israeli war of independence. When the war ended, I enrolled in a brand new institution that Martin Buber had just created in Jerusalem, dedicated to training teachers for adults. The number of students was rather small, and, as a result, we had many opportunities to be exposed to Buber's ideas and discuss them with him. The following year, I enrolled at Hebrew University to study sociology. Buber was the professor of sociology there at the time. I was a first year undergraduate." 267. "Communitarian Elements in Select Works of Martin Buber," The Journal of Value Inquiry, No. 33, (July 1999), pp. 151-169.

Wikipedia gives a nice overview of Martin Buber, the movement called Zionism, the Balfour Declaration (letter from British Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild proposing a Jewish nation), and Hasidism. explains 6th Brigade - Etzioni: "Organized by David Ben-Gurion in February 1948, the Etzioni Brigade was responsible for conducting operations in the Jerusalem area during Israel's War of Independence. While fighting in Jerusalem, the Etzioni Brigade faced troops from the Iraqi Arab Liberation Army and succeed in driving them out of the city. During May 1948, the Etzioni Brigade engaged in repeated battles with Arab forces, continually taking and retaking parts of Jerusalem." Etzioni is very open about his past experiences as a revolutionary Israeli Zionist.

"George Washington University professor Amitai Etzioni, who moved to the United States to attend graduate school, said he still uses his Israeli passport when traveling there because the Israelis make it virtually impossible to relinquish it.

Etzioni, who was a senior adviser in the Carter White House, said dual Israeli-U.S. citizenship is not a problem "as long as there is a clear priority of loyalty." Rethinking Dual Citizenship in the Post-Sept. 11 World By Jonathan Tilove, Newhouse News Service, June 19, 2002.

The ACL has two subsequent topic pages as a result of our research about Etzioni. We also offer a thorough examination of Talmudic Law which includes Kaballah links and U.S. Noahide Laws, and we delve into the history of Israel on our Militant Zionism page.

Random quotes from On Ending Nationalism* by Amitai Etzioni, Politik und Gesellschaft Online, International Politics and Society 2/2001.

"Nationalism is a creed that extols the nation, and regards it as an ultimate value. It deeply affects citizens' sense of self, psychological well-being, and identity; it makes them treat their nation-state as their primary community. The "ism" comes to indicate that reference here is not to moderate commitments to one's nation as one source of affiliation and loyalty but to a highly intensive and nearly exclusive investment of one's collective identity in the national state. (In this sense nationalism differs from reasonable national commitments the way moralism differs from morality.) When in full bloom, people view the state as semi-sacred or even as directly in the service of their God. As it is written in Romans 13:1, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God."

[Are not the individual state citizens protected under the U.S. Bill of Rights the GOVERNING AUTHORITY in the U.S.? Do not be misled by this quote. Just because he cites the New Testament, Etzioni and most of the scholars who assisted him with this thesis are Jewish/Israelis, not American Christians. Note: Pope John Paul II endorses communitarianism and the New World Order. And, there is a very big difference between Old Testament-Torah Jews and New Age-Talmudic-Sabbatian Jews. N.R.]

"The argument advanced here presumes that it is neither necessary nor prudent to attempt to end nationalism by head-on attacks on the legitimacy of the nation-state or by favoring its demise.[3] The vision of replacing the nation-state by regional governments and ultimately by a world government (as UN enthusiasts dream), or envisioning a state that acts as a mere framework for the interactions of groups of people of different cultures but commands no loyalty and involvement of its own, is normatively dubious and unnecessarily threatening. Nationalism can be and is best ended by a much more moderate approach. [emphasis added]

"The main approach outlined here favors shifting much of the defining involvements of citizens in those countries that are inflicted with nationalism from the nation-state to the body society, specifically to communities (not to be confused with local governments), the community of these communities, and to a "thick" civic fabric. It entails developing and championing public policies, institutions, symbols, and belief systems that help people realize that they can maintain their sense of self, identity, social and cultural distinctiveness, as well as a good part of their control over their individual and collective fate--all through involvement in a variety of communities.[5]"

"Those who wonder if the suggested shift of defining involvements to some other body than the nation can be achieved, may wish to note that such a condition was crudely approximated before the onset of nationalism. After all, both the mere existence of the nation-state and its elevation to a semi-sacred status by nationalism are of a rather recent vintage.[6] Neither existed before the 18th century and, for a good part of the 19th century the nation-state was the project of narrow elites and later small classes.[7]"

"At the same time a set of values exists to which all are expected to adhere, shared values that serve as a sort of framework and glue that keep the rich and colorful mosaic from falling apart. These include commitment to the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, the democratic form of government, command of the English language, mutual tolerance, and what Sandy Levinson called the constitutional faith.[15] Moreover, to sustain unity, the loyalty to the community of communities is expected to take precedence over that to member communities, if and when these two loyalties come into conflict."

[His final conclusion:] "With few exceptions, in the longer run, in order for mankind to gain control, to direct these processes to its benefit and curb excesses or anti-human developments, it will require social, political, and moral institutions whose reach is as global as the challenges are. Nationalism stands in the way of the development of these institutions."

March 9, 2005 Challenge to the Communitarian Network


Note: The ACL website went online in January 2003, and we sent our link to the Communitarian Network and asked for responses then. The only response we ever received directly from anyone is posted on our Etzioni page. We've been linked to from the Communitarian Network since April 2003; hundreds of visitors have come here via that link. The following letter is but our latest attempt to get a rebuttal response.

We're interested in any response from the Communitarian Network to our website, The Anti-Communitarian Leag[u]e (ACL) for publication at our site. We're sorry we missed the deadline for the essay contest, but perhaps the judging committee would be willing to consider a few of our pages, just on the off chance that they can dispute our opposition argument against the Communitarian Network's foundations.

Please consider awarding us an honorary mention for our original and undisputed thesis about your organization, or refute: The Historical Evolution of Communitarian Thinking, What Is The Hegelian Dialectic?, What They Stand For, What Is A Communitarian?, and, What Is An Anticommunitarian?

August 20, 2005 -- Responses to the ACL challenge from the Responsive Community: 0

"Communitarianism is a form of analysis, not a solution, to the problems of contemporary politics. It is a debate, not an answer."
Paul A. Canniff, January 29, 1996.

Are the debates over? Who won? Two rather puny Alaskan women await their turn to debate the globalist's political giants: Hegel, Marx and Amitai Etzioni. While Hegel and Marx are long gone, Etzioni is a professor at GWU in D.C. The only "live" debate possible today is with Etzioni, and any day now he'll respond to all his critics.

For the American side: Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich.
(Born in the USA, no dual citizenship, no influence on US politics, no option out of Local Agenda 21 communitarian programs, especially at the community level.)

.........................................................................................................For the Communitarian side: Dr. Amitai Etzioni.
(Born in Germany, raised in Israel, dual-USA-Israeli citizenship, educated in California, adviser to the White House and all state DMVs.) [etzioni]

Update. In February, 2005, Etzioni attracted the attention of American biologists and scientists who responded to Etzioni's position on the ID v. evolution debate (excuse me, dialogue). If only American political scientists and law scholars would give his political theories the same academic scrutiny. American scientists have challenged Etzioni more than once. We are not alone in our desire to see him answer specific questions about his methods for reasoning.

Responding to a request from Amitai Etzioni by Paul Z. Myers, associate professor of biology at UMM, 2/9/05: "Some pompous egotist named Amitai Etzioni has solicited responses from the contributors to the Panda's Thumb to his comments on the teaching of intelligent design. His latest blog entry, though, was not encouraging. The man is a phony."

Part of Etzioni's response to PT's thread of opposition to his credibility as a "scientist" (includes 47 responses with some really fun parodies that hurt our guru's feelings):

"In responses on your blog, I was showered with abuse. I was called names and "damned," and all kinds of ugly attributes were attached to my personality. Why? Is this a way to settle a scientific argument or any argument at all? I have encountered such responses before (especially when I called for the removal of guns from private hands), but only from people who did not have any other way of trying to get people like me to shut up and not to show that their emperor has no clothes. I believe evolution can do better. Right?" (See Etzioni's blog archives February 18, 2005.)

(Here's another post from "Like most ID-proponents, Etzioni immediately assumes the martyr pose as soon as he gets called on his ignorant and false statements...Of course, the post Myers was responding to said nothing about comparing evolution to ID, so that students could see the difference between a theory supported by facts and one that is not. Myers was responding to a post that accused the entire scientific community of fraud, which made a blatantly false statement abut the evidential basis of evolution, and which went on to make other silly statements beyond that. Etzioni deserved every ounce of abuse Myers heaped upon him.")

Dr. Etzioni was a featured speaker at MSU College of Law conference on children's rights on 2/16/2005. Contact: Russ White, University Relations, (517) 432-0923, Did any MSU Law students find anything phony or unscientific about Etzioni's legal advice?

Would this evolving academic "dialogue" have any affect on Etzioni being "named among the top 100 American intellectuals as measured by academic citations in Richard Posner's book, Public Intellectuals: A Study of Decline"?

Amitai tells us, "In 1991, the press began referring to Etzioni as the 'guru' of the communitarian movement." Who feeds the press this kind of propaganda? Should we be concerned that, "Outside of academia, Etzioni's voice is frequently heard in the media."?

George Washington University- An Anti-War Sociologist, And a Slavery Authority in the Washington Post, Thursday, December 9, 2004; Page DZ14. "In 1980, he was named GW's first University Professor. This "super rank" faculty post allows him to teach the same subject, social theory, in one class each semester that is open to anyone in the university community." Think he ever teaches anything on Covert Chanell Analysis?

March 8, 2005 update. As we just learned from a responder, several of the ccps links about Etzioni on this page now redirect you to the GWU homepage. We will leave the original addresses (scroll over the link to see it) just so visitors can see how many changes were made, and perhaps, like us, they will wonder why that was necessary. still works. From there take their Home link and the next page has a link to the Communitarian Network. Right now it appears it's only the links from our site that redirect the visitor to GWU. Weird.

How does Etzioni influence American politics?

Etzioni's been an adviser in the White House since coming in under President Jimmy Carter in 1979. There are 11 or more communitarian "thinkers" in Bush II's administration. Communitarian Robert Putnam wrote Bush's presidential acceptance speech in 2001.

The 9/11 Commission & Nuclear Terrorism by Guest Author (Amitai Etzioni), July 29, 2004.


"Those who drafted and adopted the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights in 1787 were well aware of the teachings and ideologies of philosophers like Milton, Locke, Voltaire and Mill. Merrill describes the 18th Century American voices of Franklin, Adams, Jefferson and Madison as intellectuals who gave a governmental form and structure to the philosophical ideas enunciated by Milton, Locke, Voltaire and Mill. It is, therefore, no fluke at all that the First Amendment guarantee comes first in the Bill of Rights. In contrast to Milton, Locke, Voltaire and Mill, author Merrill outlines the ideas of late 18th and 19th Century philosophers such as Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer and Karl Marx. And he makes the case that these are the natural forerunners of many of today's communitarian thinkers who are attracted to people's journalism, public journalism or civic journalism." MERRILL PESSIMISTIC ABOUT PRESS by Don Corrigan. (John C. Merrill, professor emeritus, elected to Iowa Hall of Fame in 2005.)

How Patriotic is the Patriot Act by Amitai Etzioni, 2004, reviwed at

The Communitarian Vision.

Etzioni has been an adviser in the White house since 1979 when he came in under Special Assistant to the President Richard Harden. He went on to advise every U.S. President since then, except for Ronald Reagan. He was very active in the Clinton administration and was on the start-up committee for Volunteer America. He is the founder of the Communitarian Network and according to a well-placed ACL source, campus rumor has it that the "more moral" Dr. Etzioni is not well liked by his students nor by his academic associates at George Washington University. He holds possibly the longest resume we've ever seen. His influence on Bush is never questioned by mainstream press corps, even though it has been reported in the Washington Post. His critics are few and, (except for us) mostly silent. (We've only been contacted by a couple of the academics who signed the statement against him back in 1995. One was suprised the PSN thread was still available online, another said he liked our name.)

When not advising the President, he spends a lot of time on the road being interviewed and lecturing abroad and at US law schools about his "moral dialogue" to governments, bureaucrats, lawyers, judges and (of course) students. He promotes his ideology in a way that makes perfect sense to his elitist admirers, and confuses everyone else. His ancient collectivist platform and his innovative ways to remove us from "cultural relativism" are all designed to teach us to be more "responsive community members." He insists the U.S. Bill of Rights must be innovatively balanced and that the world's democratic governments are "evolving."

Long billions, short millions by Amitai Etzioni for CDI Russia 1999. Here Etzioni chastizes American Republicans for not wanting to subsidize Russian scientists.

Communitarianism at the Informal Education Homepage quotes Etzioni's open mockery of the American Declaration of Independence: " Political communitarianism is something of a ragbag of elements. However, a flavour of the political movement is given by Etzioni (below)."

We hold these truths

We hold that a moral revival in these United States is possible without Puritanism; that is, without busybodies meddling into our personal affairs, without thought police controlling our intellectual life. We can attain a recommitment to moral values - without puritanical excesses.

We hold that law and order can be restored without turning this country of the free into a police state, as long as we grant public authorities some carefully crafted and circumscribed new powers.

We hold that the family - without which no society has ever survived, let alone flourished - can be saved, without forcing women to stay at home or otherwise violating their rights.

We hold that schools can provide essential moral education - without indoctrinating young people.

We hold that people can live in communities without turning to vigilantes or becoming hostile to one another.

We hold that our call for increased social responsibilities… is not a call for curbing rights. On the contrary, strong rights presume strong responsibilities.

We hold that the pursuit of self-interest can be balanced by a commitment to the community, without requiring us to lead a life of austerity, altruism, or self-sacrifice….

We hold that powerful special-interest groups in the nation's capital, and in so many statehouses and city halls, can be curbed without limiting the constitutional right of the people to lobby and petition those who govern….

We hold these truths as Communitarians, as people committed to creating a new moral, social, and public order based on restored communities, without puritanism or oppression.

Etzioni (1995: 1-2)

Where does Etzioni stand on American disarmament?

On the one hand, Etzioni is firm? in his stand against American's private ownership of guns and claims the Second Amendment was written with a "communitarian clause" that calls for community militias and not "individual gunslingers." Etzioni refuses to answer his critics from the American "right", those individual gunslinger advocates who challenge his communitarian gun ownership ideology. Etzioni's written thousands of words on the "need" for national disarmament and founded his own international peace organization. This very exceptional peaceful man started his adult life as a hard-core Fabian socialist, as a communist-kibbutz raised Zionist who became a trained revolutionary soldier fighting with the ferocious David Ben Gurion against the British and the Arabs in 1946. In 1947 he was an Israeli soldier in the Arab War, he supports Bush Jr's War on Iraq (although his name has since been removed from this PNAC letter to Bush on September 20, 2001), he endorses the highly controversial Project for A New American Century, and he endorses the need for a National ID Card to make America a safer place from (anti-Israeli) terrorists.

Here's an old article we stumbled upon while looking for information about Etzioni's cronies in the Bible teaching arena. Concern over microchip implants New technology getting under some people's skin By Jon E. Dougherty, © 1999

Where does Etzioni stand on national governments?

In 1992 Etzioni wrote "The Evils of Self-Determination" for Foreign Policy, where he opened with:

"Self-determination movements, a major historical force for more than 200 years, have largely exhausted their legitimacy as a means to achieve more democratic states." His thoughts on Iraq in October, 2002? "If the Shiites, who have long been oppressed in Iraq, want to fight the Sunni over their rights or create a separate state, why should we lose sleep over it? After all, Iraq is an artificial creation imposed on the people of the region by foreign powers. If the people of this area now seek self-determination along different lines than were drawn some generations ago, why should we stand in their way? We have nothing to fear if two or three countries will be formed in the area now called Iraq. If, in the process, there is some fighting among these groups, we surely would not welcome it; we regret bloodshed, but it would hardly be the first war of ethnic liberation in which we did not intervene." [emphasis added]

Where does Etzioni stand on American's privacy?

In March 2003 Etzioni organized a Congressional briefing on how to improve identification while enhancing security and guarding privacy. His invitation list reads like a who's who in promoting American fascism, and includes a representative from the Schlumbergers, the Smartcard family who goes way back in American history. It's not clear whether he supports human chip implants to enhance our national security, we only know that Etzioni includes microchip implants in his "privacy dialogues."

The ACL will continue to follow Dr. Etzioni's more moral views on current events, and we'll post some of his most relevant publications, which he makes so easily available via his personal notes, posted on his editorial blog site.

Where does Etzioni stand on Punishing Americans for anti-social behaviors? on June 1, 2004

"The 'Sabra' in Israeli Literature," with Eva Etzioni, Jewish Frontier (October 1958), pp. 16-19.

April 23, 2004 blog update:

Kathy sent us this link to an Anchorage Daily News article that tells us about the Communitarian Network's "study" of all the state driver's licenses security precautions. Institute rates Alaska DMV as one of most lax in U.S. LICENSES: State disputes claim that it deserves an "F" in verifying applicants' identities. by RICHARD RICHTMYER Anchorage Daily News (Published: April 22, 2004). The ADN provides a link to GWU's entire study. Richtmyer tells us:

"The institute established four steps it said states should take, at a minimum, to ensure effective screening for fraudulent applications and assigned a grade based on how many they used.

"The steps were verifying Social Security numbers using an online database system; requiring proof that the applicant is legally in the United States and a resident in the state; linking license expiration dates to visa expiration dates for foreigners; and using biometric information, such as fingerprints or retinal scans, to verify identity." [emphasis added]

The US Congress has NOT approved a national ID! Most states have rejected it entirely, and using biometric information is an invasion of privacy that has never been approved by American voters or our legislatures. Without any legal authority to do so, many states have incorporated biometric information that can be cross-referenced into a national database using the GIS. Etzioni gives us the list of states. This is the key to the back door around our rights to privacy.. and yet the ADN doesn't mention anything about the privacy side to the issue. The ADN doesn't even bother to tell us that there is an issue.

We wonder how much the Anchorage Daily News knows about the Communitarian Network. This is basically all they tell their Alaskan readers: "The institute, which promotes a balance between individual rights and social responsibility, looked into the subject because driver's licenses are widely used as the definitive ID, and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorists got theirs through other lax states, namely Florida and Virginia, Etzioni said."

What Etzioni didn't say is that they looked into the subject because they have an agenda that requires a national database on ALL Americans... and not just to prove their idenity. Maybe Alaskan readers would like a bit more background information.. some authentic investigative reporting. Like the fact that Etzioni is also active in the New World Order Projects, or that Etzioni is a founder of many programs that uses a mapping database to assign Americans to "volunteer" positions in their rebuilt communities. Maybe it's just as important to know that members of the Communitarian Network also design programs that gather data on our personal skills and abilities. Should the strong individualistic state of Alaska know that Etzioni calls nationalism outdated, or that he recommends balancing the Bill of Rights against communism? Maybe it matters that Etzioni is a militant Zionist who apparently confuses the U.S. with the Middle East. Just because the Communitarian Network is making bold assertions about what we need to change in order to re-make America in Israel's image doesn't mean they're beyond public scrutiny. I'll bet there's Alaskans wondering, "Who are they?"

I'm thinking of providing the ADN with another version of what balance really means, as in balanced reporting (which is supposed to be the definition of journalistic objectivity). WE don't have to be balanced because the ACL is openly opposed to the communitarian agenda, and we don't promote ourselves as a news site. We are openly organizing resistance to the communitarain-communists. But newspapers are supposed to remain "unbiased" and give us ALL the facts. When did American newspapers stop giving us both sides of the story? Why is Etzioni so involved with finding ways to overcome American's insistance on personal privacy?

Etzioni's terrorist past

In November 2003 we found a great link to some of Etzioni's published works from his Jewish perspective at Jewish World Review. In this piece, Etzioni uses his Palmach-terrorist past as something that makes him morally superior today. Etzioni's Fabian logic is so well-honed he can say, "I was once a member of a "terrorist" group, show no mercy on civilian terrorists." After years of of communitarian propaganda and his "reformed" Israeli terrorist's moral platitudes, does free America agree with Dr. Etzioni that the U.S. government (post 9/11) should operate federal law enforcement like the merciful and kind Israeli Mossad? Was it 24 years of Etzioni's insider-terrorist advice to our U.S. Presidents that established Israeli commando training for local American "community" police in how to combat terrorism?

We (used to) know other "former" Israeli soldiers trained gunmen for the Colombian drug lords and showed them how to "make bombs." (Where did this paper go? It was on file with the Library of Congress. Now the only link to this title directs you to us.) Does Etzioni still know how to make bombs? Other reformed Palmach terrorists also do a little arms and drug dealing on the side. Still others are (now what happened to this link?) offering Israeli terrorist training services to America. Would "father" Etzioni have us consider all his buddies who are former Palmach soldiers to be more moral than Americans? Or just him? And why is he so insistant that Americans adopt his version of a National ID?

The only responses to the ACL from the Communitarian Network

1. In May 2003, we emailed our site address to Etzioni, the Communitarian Network and the ASA. We got over 500 hits in the first few days, and we followed several links back to Etzioni's assistants (all of whom ridiculed ACL work in general). Here's one who cites our paragraph where we ponder whether Etzioni actually writes everything he claims to write. In this Zionist-Socialist Third Way blog, the rebuttal is simply: "Does not write everything he claims, indeed. Still, I am excited to learn that I am a part of a Zionisit-Socialist conspiracy to rule the world. Who knew?"

Then we found one who verified our pondering. While her original post was deleted from her message board, I quoted her in our May 9th blog. This is an email we received from Erin Riska on July 17, 2003, who said on EZBoard, "I know! Its so hilarious. The vast majority of it [this page] is untrue, except the part about him not writing everything he publishes. That is 100% true. In fact, he writes very little of it." :

Hi Niki-
I saw this morning that back in May, you quoted something that I wrote on a message board in regards to Dr. Etzioni and your site, regarding his writing. I don’t mind that you quoted me, though I would have preferred that you had not used my name, because I think that Dr. Etzioni does look at the site on occasion. In any case, I just wanted to clarify this issue for you, as best I can. Everything that is published under Dr. Etzioni’s name, is in fact HIS work, in terms of content. It is not, however, always his work in terms of style. What I mean is that the integrity of his ideas is never compromised, but nearly everything he writes is heavily edited for style and general readability. Even though he has been in the states for nearly 50 years, and speaks English almost as well as any native speaker would, he often doesn’t understand some of the more subtle nuances of the language and he can at times be a bit lazy with it. There are several very talented research and editorial assistants here at the Institute, who work hard to make sure that everything that Dr. Etzioni writes is grammatically and stylistically sound, not to mention “right.” This is why there is often a noticeable difference in the style of his writing from piece to piece. It is not as though there are people publishing THEIR work under his name. Another reason for the varied writing styles is that much of what Dr. Etzioni writes is meant to appeal to his academic counterparts, while much of it is written in a more populist manner.

Erin M. Riska
Assistant to the Director

The Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies
The George Washington University
2130 H Street, NW, Suite 703
Washington, DC 20012
ph: 202.994.8190
fax: 202.994.1606

In 1995 Amitai Etzioni was president of the American Sociological Association. The following is a copy of a letter explaining the problems some PSN members faced when trying to engage Etzioni in a real debate over his personal communitarian platform: (For the full threads of this discussion, click here.)

To the Editors of Footnotes, the American Sociological Association, the Sociological "Community," and All Interested Parties.

President Etzioni's letter to Footnotes may well be remembered as an important moment in the institutional history of American sociology. It should be noted that it is an edited version of a longer email posting that he delivered to the Progressive Sociologist Network (PSN) on June 27, 1995. The text of the PSN letter can be obtained via the internet by gophering to sociologists/psn-cafe archives. Those without internet access may contact any of the undersigned for copies.

President Etzioni believes that there is a nefarious plot afoot against him and the 1995 ASA meeting. Justifiably upset by the specter of "disruptions" by progressive and radical sociologists, Etzioni issued his letter in order to reveal this plot to his colleagues. At its best moment, his letter seeks to open a discussion of the merits of his communitarian social theories. At its worst, President Etzioni's letter is a political broadside that casts a cloud over all the subscribers of the Progressive Sociologist Network and, indeed, all who voice disagreement with his communitarian agenda. As such, his letter necessitates a formal response from the unnamed targets. As subscribers to PSN, and therefore by our association, some of its targets, the authors and the signatories offer this note as a response.

The Progressive Sociologists Network (PSN) is an open internet discussion group, a "virtual cafe" in the words of the founders of the list. It is a means for the exchange of ideas and information. At this time, the list distributes postings to over 300 subscribers. The discussions between our members cover every imaginable sociological issue, which is in keeping with the mission of an internet discussion list and with the variety of political/theoretical positions represented by its participants. No one supports every position expressed, but everyone is free to express their views on any discussion "thread."

Since May of this year, the members of PSN have engaged in a number of discussions regarding both communitarianism and the politics of the ASA meeting. This discussion has been typically wide ranging and fruitful for the members of PSN. During these discussions, a small number of posts (approximately 5 out of a total of approximately 125 related to communitarianism and the ASA) advocated some sort of "disruption" of the annual meeting. (It is interesting to note that this is about the same number as those advocating the holding of an alternative meeting/dinner during Etzioni's Presidential Address.) The overwhelming majority of posts considered, sometimes approvingly, the sociological importance of communitarianism. Of the posts that expressed disagreement with the theme of the meeting or communitarianism, the vast majority did not mention "disrupting" the meeting. In fact, many actually dismissed the idea of "disruption" as ill conceived or unnecessary. Many of the postings were unapologetically critical of communitarianism, but we must note that Etzioni's letter does not address any of the issues raised by these critical remarks. In fact, it is unclear as to whether he has read the discussion in its entirety or has ever subscribed to the list. We can not recreate the extensive discussion here. Any interested parties with internet access may obtain the complete discussion from the list archive by gophering to sociologists/psn-cafe archives. As PSN is an open discussion list, we have nothing to hide. The discussions speak for themselves.

However, a number of points raised by President Etzioni's letter must be addressed now.

First, we must question President Etzioni's use of the term "progressives" in a derogatory sense. Many of the members of PSN do consider themselves Progressives, others are indeed, horror of horrors, Marxists. We discuss the meaning of these terms amongst ourselves, but do not deny the sincerity and scholarly dedication of any of our members. Those who refer to themselves as progressives do so because it describes their political position as well as their sense of responsibility to human society. President Etzioni's pejorative use of the term is not in keeping with his position as President of the ASA, or with his expressed communitarian beliefs in openness and discussion.

Second, President Etzioni modestly asserts in the PSN version that he is merely a sociologist who "believes we have responsibilities to go along with our rights...."Almost no one on PSN would argue that they do not have social responsibilities. However, President Etzioni is being uncharacteristically modest here, as he has often bragged in the press of the Communitarian Network's influence in the Clinton administration. Those PSN'ers who have voiced concerns regarding Etzioni and his communitarianism did so because it is their responsibility to challenge views that they find dangerous or just plain silly, even when those views are held by the President of the ASA and the President of the United States. This is, after all, the ultimate responsibility of anyone seeking to live in a free society. For this reason, President Etzioni's call for his colleagues to raise their "moral voice" in outrage over a phantom plot belittles the fact that those criticizing him and communitarianism in general also speak with a "moral voice." President Etzioni has spoken of the need for "salem-like communities (Spirit of Community 1993:148)," and we assume that this is representative of the morality he wants to voice. We, his critical colleagues, speak with a moral voice honed from years of study and struggle for human emancipation from those miserable little "communities" that Ralph Waldo Emerson called the "jail-yard of individual relations."

Third, President Etzioni refers to "the majority of Americans who see themselves as centrists -- in effect communitarians...." We will leave it to the reader the evaluate the merits of this statement.

Fourth, President Etzioni's experience of Nazism stands, as does the experience of millions of others, as a testament to courage and spirit of humans to struggle against tyranny. There are even a few PSN'ers who themselves, or their families, experienced the same horrors. Yes, communitarianism was compared to fascism in a number of posts and a lively and informed debate ensued over the appropriateness of this characterization, as well as the sociological definition of fascism. As we are sure that President Etzioni is familiar with the sociological literature on fascism and right-wing ideological practices, we can only be saddened that he has chosen to attack us in this manner and tar us all with the implication that we are insensitive or worse.

Finally, President Etzioni has invited his critics to send a representitive to the business session so that our views can be fully expressed. This is indeed a generous offer, but in the original PSN letter, it was an invitation extended to the entire list, and not limited to a single representative. However, as the discussion on PSN shows, the communitarianism issue goes far beyond that which can be covered at the business session. In the interests of scholarly discussion, it might be more valuable if he and all other interested parties would simply subscribe to PSN and engage all of us by addressing the various points already made there. To subscribe, he need only send the command SUBSCRIBE PSN to

We look forward to an actual debate of the issues.

In Solidarity,

B. Ricardo Brown * Doctoral Student Department of Sociology City University of New York Graduate Center (

Celia Winkler * Graduate Teaching Fellow Department of Sociology University of Oregon (

(Signatories in alphabetical order)

Lisa Alcock MA Student Department of Sociology University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (

Amy Ansell Associate Professor of Sociology Bard College (

James Bearden Associate Professor Department of Sociology SUNY- Geneseo (

William K. Carroll Professor of Sociology University of Victoria, British Columbia (

Nancy K. Cauthen Doctoral Candidate Department of Sociology New York University (

Carl H.A. Dassbach Department of Social Sciences Michigan Technological University (

Joe Feagin Department of Sociology University of Florida (

Warren Goldstein Ph. D. Candidate Department of Sociolgy New School for Social Research (

Keith Kilty College of Social Work Ohio State University (

Allan Liska Department of Sociology University of Maryland (

Tom Meisenhelder Department of Sociology California State University, San Francisco (

Markus Mueller Austrian Student Unions Department of Sociology University of Graz, Austria (

David Purcell Graduate Student Department of Sociology University of Cincinnati

Blaine Stevenson Department of Sociology Central Michigan University (

Morton G. Wenger Department of Sociology University of Louisville (

Talmadge Wright Department of Sociolgy and Anthropology Loyola University, Chicago (


Many of our exit links to the Communitarian Network's topic pages now redirect ACL visitors to the George Washington University homepage. Their new site address is
P.S. There are over 10,000 exit links at this site. Please be specific when reporting broken links. thanks!

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not traitor, he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared." - Cicero, 42 B.C.

"George Washington University professor Amitai Etzioni, who moved to the United States to attend graduate school, said he still uses his Israeli passport when traveling there because the Israelis make it virtually impossible to relinquish it.

Etzioni, who was a senior adviser in the Carter White House, said dual Israeli-U.S. citizenship is not a problem "as long as there is a clear priority of loyalty." Rethinking Dual Citizenship in the Post-Sept. 11 World By Jonathan Tilove, Newhouse News Service, June 19, 2002.


copyright © 2001-2004, Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich (The Anti-Communitarian League)