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CAUTION: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT PHOTOS of UN Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie

The United Nation's International Court at the Hague, Netherlands & Her Royal Highness Queen Beatrix

by Niki Raapana Revised June 11, 2005

The International Court of Justice recognises the principles of Communitarian Law.

"The contractarianism versus communitarianism debate has been going on within the governance literature for nearly 100 years -- even longer in its philosophical manifestations. It is unlikely to be settled any time soon."THE PURPOSES AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF THE CORPORATION IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AT A CROSSROADS by MICHAEL BRADLEY, CINDY A. SCHIPANI, ANANT K. SUNDARAM, AND JAMES P. WALSH posted by Duke Law. Excerpt:

"The trend toward codifying international law is now almost one hundred years old.435 The Hague Conference on Private International Law has been meeting since 1893.436 While no supranational body can draft and enforce such unified laws without co-operation from sovereign nations, the United Nations has taken significant steps toward addressing the problem. The U.N. General Assembly established the U.N. Commission on International Trade Law ("UNCITRAL") in 1966.437 [*pg 82] UNCITRAL was formed to facilitate the "progressive harmonization and unification of the law of international trade."438

"The key UNCITRAL project in the field of international contracting is the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ("CISG"). 439 CISG presents a comprehensive code governing contracts for the international sale of goods, analogous to an international version of the Uniform Commercial Code.440 Currently, at least fifty-seven countries have ratified the Convention.441 Other developoments include the Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts ("CLOUT"), a reporter of UNCITRAL-based cases from around the world. [*pg 83] The goal is for CLOUT to serve as suggested interpretations for judges, arbitrators, and attorneys in countries that have ratified the Convention.442

"Perhaps the most significant development to date, from a corporate governance standpoint, has been UNCITRAL's role in the development of cross-border insolvency laws.443 The UNCITRAL Model on Cross-Border Insolvency ("Model Law"), developed in 1997, attempts to move away from the traditional notion of territoriality to that of universality in jurisdictions.444 The Model Law currently is receiving serious consideration in both the legislative and executive branches of the U.S. government. There is a bill to reform U.S. bankruptcy laws pending in the U.S. Congress. The bill incorporates the provisions of the Model Law, and the U.S. Treasury has endorsed the changes.445 [*pg 84] These developments are quite impressive, given that they have occurred so soon after the creation of the Model Law.

"Such attempts at cross-border integration of laws are not restricted to governments and multilateral institutions. Private organizations also have shown significant interest in international contracting. The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law ("UNIDROIT"),446 founded in 1926, created a set of principles for cross-border commercial contracting in 1994. The UNIDROIT principles represent the most recent and ambitious attempt to provide an example of unified contract terms that can be employed worldwide. It remains to be seen if UNIDROIT's ambitions will be fulfilled.

"Although developments such as UNCITRAL and UNIDROIT are significant steps forward, the problems that remain and the new ones that will arise cannot be minimized. Consider, for example, the attempts to harmonize corporate law in the European Union. Despite impressive convergence on a host of economic and political issues, including moving toward the adoption of a common currency, members of the European Union have been mired in discussions and disputes for almost a quarter century on the question of adoption of an E.U.-wide corporate law. Similarly, scholars have long argued for the creation of a WTO-type cross-national body for the supervision of multinational corporations and for the creation of a uniform set of corporate standards worldwide, but to little avail.447 Nationalism typically stymies such efforts.448

Bush on Trial for Crimes against Humanity By Marjorie Cohn, Tuesday 24 January 2006, Geplaatst op 24.01.2006 om 18:41:09 uur | 203 bekeken | Wereld | WWW.NIBURU.NL. " The International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration convened last weekend in New York City's Riverside Church. Martin Luther King Jr.'s portrait hangs in the foyer. Dr. King delivered his historic 1967 speech, "Beyond Vietnam: A Place to Break the Silence," opposing the war and calling for the removal of all foreign troops from Vietnam, in that same church." (This is on a Dutch site that links to this page asking an untranslatable question about our site? Do we link to the International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity? Here's a link to the Center for Constitutional Rights, whose President, Michael Ratner, delivered a keynote address to the commission. This is the organization that defended the Southern Conference Education Fund (SCEF). Here's their A House Divided Teaching Guide, which is a wonderful chronology of how a few well-trained activists can start a bloodbath. I wonder if this international institution sees their own tie to the Bush agenda via Fabian international socialist Bertrand Russell and the illustrious Dr. King, a well-trained martyr. There are several issues about Dr. King that are disturbing. He may have been trained by communists and there are claims that he plagurized some of his doctoral dissertation. Racial strife in America has been a ready tool for foreign infiltrators, and the role of slavery in the civil war is a very important element to understanding the north-south dialectic. While we do agree Bush is a criminal from a criminal family, we would prefer to see him tried in a U.S. Court based in a genuine U.S. Constitutional Law, uninfluenced by communist trained lawyers whose actions always bring us closer to regional integration under communitarian law.

American Citizenship Between Past and Present By Brunella Casalini, University of Florence, May 29, 1999 at the Global Policy Forum claims America was founded on "symbolic ceremonies of communitarian consensus."

The Reign of Law, an Acquis Communautaire to acquire by Julien THERON, Novembre 2005, at The Transeuropean Magazine of Political and Strategical Analysis.

The International Court at the Hague, the FIRST PERMANENT WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL established, 2003.

Plan of Action for The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 16-18 November, 2005.

The Inside of the International Court......................... The Symbol for the ICJ..... The Earth Charter is inside the traveling "Ark".... The UN Security Council

Ark of Hope will be in the Netherlands, June 18, 2005: "The National Committee for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development in the Netherlands, along with KIT is hosting the Ark of Hope. The Ark will travel throughout the Netherlands introducing people to the Earth Charter, and inviting citizens and students to add their hopes for the future to the Temenos Books held within the Ark."

June 17, 2005 -- Action Alert for Americans!
H.R. 1017 passed! "The Prohibition on United Nations Taxation Act, H.R. 1017 says "NO" to this global tax and collection scheme. It would prohibit the United States from paying any voluntary or assessed contributions to the United Nations (U.N.) or any of its agencies if the U.N.: (1) attempts to impose a tax on any U.S. person; or (2) borrows funds from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), International Monetary Fund, or any other similar or regional international financial institution." Help stop the U.N. reform bill, which only serves to make the U.N. strounger. Urge your representatives to vote "NO" on H.R. 2745.

SEEKING GLOBAL JUSTICE by RICHARD BLUM, "The World Equity Court faces an uncertain future.... The current Center/WJA project, conceived 20 years ago, calls for the development of a new World Equity Court to fill a glaringly empty niche in this globalizing world. Unlike the Court of International Justice in The Hague, which hears cases brought before it by nations, the World Equity Court is intended to focus on cases brought by individuals and groups of individuals. The Court already is assured welcome in China, portions of the Islamic world, the old Eastern Bloc, and in England, the home of common law, juries, and equity. But it is dis-couraging to find the lagging support for this initiative in the United States, both from private as well as governmental sources."

CARNEGIE FOUNDATION - PEACE PALACE: "The Carnegie Foundation is the managing authority in the Peace Palace and has a magnificent library, a rich source of legal information at the service of peace and justice. The Carnegie Foundation is the host to the international institutions in the Peace Palace, and also serves as an intermediary to the Hague Academy of International Law with its annual well known summer courses in international law. The Carnegie Foundation encourages the dialogue and study of the peace ideal through seminars, and the Foundation belongs to an international network of Carnegie Institutions." Carnegie apparently found no conflict bewteen his position as a multi-millionaire and his communist ideology of anti-capitalism. Andrew Carnegie was affiliated with The Anti-Imperialist League, a openly communist organization.

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (Queen Beatrix's father) was one of the founders of the secretive Bilderberg Group and the World Wildlife Fund. Beatrix's husband, Claus von Amsberg, was, (like Beatrix's father), also a member of a German Nazi organization.


Queen Beatrix is also known as Lady Shell since she owns Dutch Royal Shell Oil Company. Shell Oil finances the Connect America program under 1000 Points of Light Foundation. The 1000 Points of Light Foundation spearheaded the Mandatory Community Volunteerism. Light represents Lucifer (or Satan). Community "service" is required in most American public schools and is planned for everyone in the country, young and old, from birth to grave, just like in Nazi Germany and modern communist countries.

Madame Blavatsky founded the Theosophical New Age "Sprituality" Movement. It's the foundation for 1000 Points of Light Foundation. She was also a practicing Satanist.

United Nations' Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie represents everything we love about the U.N.

(Sex, Death and the Higher Cause- Angelina Jolie and the French Revolution July 10, 2001.) The Vacant Seat Number 666 in the European Parliament by Ian R.K: Paisley, M.P., M.E.P. Report on the opening of the Fifth Elected Parliament of Europe in Strasbourg and its occupancy of the new Parliament Buildings. The idea of an ultimate global authority dispensing fair and impartial justice for kinky/sick women is endemic to the Imperialist World Government's Utopian wet dream. The theory of utopian communism always included a world government ruled by more evolved world citizen councils.

A socialist member of the Fabians, Bertrand Russell, was one of the founders of the earliest "People's" Tribunal. 'The International War Crimes Tribunal was sponsored by the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation to provide a forum for testimony and evidence concerning the damaging effects of U.S. policy in Indochina," (International War Crimes Tribunal records, #4285. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library)

UN's holistic humanitarianism is promoted by diabolical actresses practicing sexual sadism and Eqyptian rituals. Marxist change agents fomenting street battles and preaching anti-war principles are not agitating for American (or Iraqi) freedom from global communitarian tyranny. mommie

Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz Elected to Head Sanhedrin By Ezra HaLevi, Jun 23, '05: "Also present at the meeting on Monday, though not seated in the 71-seat semi-circular row of chairs, was famed archaeologist Dr. Vendyl Jones. He is working with the Sanhedrin to establish a system of courts for non-Jews adhering to the Seven Laws of Noah, which the Torah obligates all of humanity to follow. One of those laws is to establish courts of justice. A high court has been established by the Sanhedrin for such purposes, and a subsidiary of that court will soon be established in the United States as well."

Solomons By Jerry Goldin. Our state constitutions are not based in Jewish mysticism, Talmudic Law, or Marxist collectivism. We don't know if they're based in freemasonry. We do know they're all designed to protect individuals and their property from government agents. The international definition of "human rights" is a Freemason term that incorporates the Marxist collectivist ideal of redistribution of private property. Individual liberty and justice for all US state citizens protects our self-determination and our natural, God-given inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. International "human rights" assumes state control of all the land in the world, and over all the people in the world. The new laws direct our actions in ways that will keep us "safe." Our old laws kept us free. Should international law ultimately prevail in this final Hegelian conflict of ideals, Americans will lose their property and the right to control their own destinies. Interview with the Vamp by Bina Shah, May 24, 2005

The Hague Academy of International Law: "The Hague Academy of International Law is a centre for high-level education in public and private international law. Its goal is to facilitate the in-depth, impartial examination of international legal issues." Harvard University hosts the Forum on Religion and Ecology.

George Bush Sr. with Mikhail Gorbachev..... Libertygunrights graphic of America's Role in creating the NWO....................... Woodrow Wilson and his plan for a NWO

The founders of the first international "people's tribunal" were British Fabian Socialists. Global law and the global court are very, very real .. and very easily verified. (UNEP GEO-3 is a good place to begin.) We're often asked by our American friends, "Okay, so who's behind the plan, the Illuminati?" Our answer to that is the top is murky, and there is no concrete evidence linking only one person (or family) to the top of the new World Empire. It's an old plan, we know that for sure, but whether the Illuminati started it or the Bilderbergs now control it doesn't really matter to us anymore. What matters to us most is the LAW itself, who wrote it, who endorses it, how it is worded, and where it is being enforced, in the United States. Our primary focus remains on how international law is changing the U.S. political economy. Communitarian laws (such as the ICC) balance national laws that interfere with global redevelopment agendas. This can define everything from building pipelines in the Middle East to protecting American land from Americans.

[ Death ] People really hate to admit this, but the U.S. Bill of Rights is a barrier to enforcing international laws against American citizens. The key to recognizing international law in the U.S. is that it balances our individual liberty against the vague, global collective, or the "common good." On the global scale, the ICJ prosecutes national leaders for war crimes and mediates disputes in relations between nations (and many on the American left want to see the Bush cabal tried before the ICJ for Crimes Against Humanity). The "problem" with this court (according to the "experts") is it has no enforcement arm to ensure its decisions are upheld.

Amitai Etzioni, our communitarian "everything expert" guru's solution is to create a stronger UN and combine it with the might of the U.S. Military. At the local U.S. level, communitarian laws like the Domestic Violence Act 1994 and state and federal Growth Management Acts follow mandates laid out by the United Nations and create "new" laws against which Americans have no defense. The new laws allow for much greater domestic police powers.

Deconstructing the "Human Rights" Ideology by Peter Myers B. A. Hons B. Sc., 21 Blair St., Watson ACT 2602 Australia. Ph -61-2-62475187. Date 17 Nov. 95.; Update 15 Dec 95.

The US adopted Local Agenda 21 inititatives way before 1993, and the Association of US Mayors endorsed the Earth Charter in 2000. In the decade since the Earth Summit at Rio, thousands of plans with similar revisions of municipal laws have passed across America. We have many new government intrusion policies that were introduced in everything from neighborhood and habitat plans to smoking bans and noise revsisions.

Sold under the guise of Community Economic Development programs, Americans are quickly learning there are a lot more RULES these days. All our new international based laws require new fines or new permits for activities or businesses that were formerly outside the realm of government control. The Earth Charter and the Declaration of Human Rights are but two of many documents accepted by the court. WTO, NAFTA, GATT, IMF, AID, NATO and UNESCO all have their own international regulations, and they are but the tip of the iceberg of all the new laws. Many of the big time players are bonafide crooks involved in all kinds of shady deals (food for oil, bribery, nepotism, graft, election tampering, scams, terrorism, spying, etc. ).meryl

(Picture on the left): "Founded in 2004 by Visiting Professor Arturo Carrillo, the International Human Rights (IHR) Clinic at GW Law is the only human rights clinic in the country dedicated primarily to litigating human rights cases before U.S. and international tribunals."

At the international level, there are many people worldwide suggesting the United States should be tried in the International Court for the invasion of Iraq II. The Peace Movement has openly pleaded with the international court to intervene in the U.S. and assist with a "regime change." Many countries want the U.N. to take over policing Iraq, and England itself wants to try Prime Minister Blair in the International Court for going along with Bush. What a precedent that would set! Former Watergate reporter Bob Woodward has written a book blaming Bush for the whole fiasco, and Bush is a perfect candidate for the first international criminal trial of an American President. As more and more groups turn to the International Court for redress of greivances, we are led deeper and deeper into the communitarian synthesis.

For a nice presentation of the outlines for global law, see the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal on Global Corporations and Human Wrongs The University of Warwick, Coventry, UK 22nd - 25th March, 2000 Findings and Recommended Action.

Global "community" Rule by an Appointed International Court is the synthesis to an ancient puzzle, and communitarian international lawyers are wasting no time moving into their powerfully situated synthesis position. Nobody really knows for sure who will end up on top, but whoever wins the big power struggle, the "national" government of the United States cannot be defended against accusations of "crimes against humanity" under humanitarinan laws, since its actions are clearly indefensible under human right's laws (especially since there were no clear signs of WMDs). The U.S. is in the perfect position to be found gulity of "war crimes," and most assuredly they will "ignore" any ruling by the UN Court, which sets an entirely new piece of the dialect in motion. What happens when the U.S. refuses to honor UN sanctions or answer to criminal charges? What will the communitarian "peace" activists do with that perfectly designed "conflicting" piece in this never-ending Hegelian dialectic? Intervene?

Here's a PDF file of the Draft Resolution for a new world justice system. It's being promoted by Americans in the Peace Movement (which includes Republicans, Democrats, Socialists, Communists, American Libertarians, the entire alternative left and right wing presses, thousands of freely elected politicians, political activist- movie stars, religious leaders and conventional churches, labour, Greens, feminists, New Agers, anarchists and eco-terrorists). The U.N is billed as the solution to world conflict, when in actuality it CREATED the conflicts.

How can we recognise the push for international laws in our neighborhoods?

#1 way: Boring planning meetings where hardly anyone knows what's going on (besides the planners). These are the visionings that Rebuild America under international Local Agenda 21 Plans. The first clue that our local law is under assault is that all these new regulations are always suggested by an unelected, non-governmental or "citizen" ADVISORY COUNCIL. The picture below represents the small meetings where reinventing government is taking place across the country.

Look for signs of recent REBUILDING or RENOVATIONS of existing land management plans promoting sustainable development of renewable energy AND Asset Based Community Development of ALL human capital resources. Municipalities across the country have adopted International Building and Abatement Codes, and all the new regulations and permit processes all originated with the international ideology of sustainable development. CITY TAKES OVER APARTMENT BUILDING AFTER OWNER REFUSES TO MAKE REPAIRS.

Everyone who's anyone is hip to the NEED for a stronger global humanitarian authority. Many media personalities with major access play a huge role in the UN plan for global communitarian government. Communitarian is humanitarian.

Community Police (COPS) were created by the think tank behind the international Third Way.

DWI arrests have skyrocketed across the country. We all know someone who's been arrested for driving under the influence. These arrests are for the potential for crime, NOT for an actual crime under U.S. Criminal Law that follows Constitutional Principles. DWI/DUI laws are based in the Communitarian principle that preventing citizens from harming the community (or themselves) is more valid than requiring that an actual crime (with a clear victim) be committed before allowing the police to detain a suspect. Protecting us from ourselves is communitarian "thinking." (Rescuing Iraq and Afghanistan from themselves is also communitarian thinking.) Legitimate U.S. laws (and declaration of wars) requires that actual damages be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Communitarian law takes the reason out of resoning. Drunk drivers DO NOT commit actual crimes with actual victims. There are no specific damages in a DWI, the suspects are only proven to have committed the potential to commit a crime.

The lovely new Homeland Community Police also have Mental Health Officers. They perform "community interventions." These cops assist in many areas of the reinvented government, including drafting new laws, advising citizen councils to push for new communitarian laws, door to door data gathering, implementing GIS community mapping of assets, making sure the new laws are in the land management and Homeland Security Plans, and last but not least, enforcing all the new laws. Many more of our men go to jail every day for charges under Domestic Violence Acts that gave more rights to the victims than to the accused. Criminal justice professionals admit the laws haven't exactly protected women the way they were originally thought to, but that hasn't stopped cities from adopting all the programs associated with the DV law.

Hollywood actors/holistic spokespersons share the same more moral, international vision of global peace and justice as the Nazis in the Hague.

International-communitarian law is the direct opposite of U.S. law. The U.S. was founded on the understanding that authority of law was best left in the hands of the individuals who make up the body of the authentic state. Americans engaged in the current war-anti-war "street debates" are playing out their designated, predetermined role in the synthesis agenda. Useful idiots and civil unrest instigated by trained change agents is inherent to creating the vision promised by the Hegelian-Marxist theory of "constant conflict and forced evolution." Queen Beatrix's court will be happy to mediate between the American Far Left and the American Far Right, and why shouldn't they? The International Court guides the evolving earth people to moral justice with a "balance."

LINKS to UN Agencies.


U.S.-U.N. Association.

Community Councils.

Social Justice.

World Political Forum Members List

Webster University Seminar and book launch: The Hague Legal Capital of the World The Hague, 28 February 2005.

Environmental Law.

Global Campaign for Peace Education April 2005 pdf file, from the Hague Appeal for Peace. This program suggests teaching American childen to "think" as global citizens as early as age four. Are Angelina and Madonna wanna-bes to be the role models?


copyright © 2001-2004, Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich (The Anti-Communitarian League)