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Anti-Communitarian League : Research & Analysis of the Ultimate Third Way
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Latest Updates on H.R. 418

by Niki Raapana, revised June 23, 2005

ACL research is grounded in the National ID Database - Rebuilt sustainable communitarian communities require all residents to give up their land and privacy, live under constant surveillance, and "volunteer" for their assigned collective responsibilities

In 1999 the ACL founders began investigating the database tested in their Seattle neighborhood. They followed their private data into a Joint DOD-DOJ national database program called COMPASS. Key funding for the database came from Community Oriented Policing grants.

When they told people the government was creating a vast information network of data on private citizens, they were ridiculed as conspiracy theorists.

In 2000, Seattle COMPASS was moved from the Office of Strategic Planning to the Department of Neighborhoods (because it was also a community development project that utilized HUD and ABCD data.) Today the COMPASS program is directed by the Homeland Security Agency (just like every other branch of government). Laws regarding proper identification are easily changed and adopted by local governments when introduced by former terrorist-expert advisers armed with anti-terrorism rhetoric. Innovative ideas for how to use the new ID to prevent crime and terrorism combined with incredible leaps of surveillance technology will insure the government can monitor and direct everyone's every move. And, it doesn't hurt that concerned neighborhood residents across the country are creating DOD Block Watch records of all neighborhood activities.

In late 2001, Niki Raapana was contacted by William DeLeon-Granados, a Criminal Justice Program and Policy Consultant who was designing a COMPASS program for San Bernadino County. (He was also incidentally on his way to lecture at GWU and have dinner with Amitai Etzioni.) First Bill asked Niki where she gained her "expertise" in the COMPASS program. Then he asked if she would assist him in finding ways to improve the privacy of the residents included in the database. Raapana replied, after much consideration (and with a poor person's understanding of the lucrative grant offerings...), that the COMPASS program was specifically designed to eliminate privacy altogether. She explained his suggestion that privacy could be somehow protected was simply incompatible with the purpose of the database. Granados came to Seattle the following spring and visited Raapana for two days. He made copies of some of her COMPASS binder files, including her PDA responses for Seattle-DOJ-COPS-COMPASS-NATS' grant applications.

After a few years of unrelated friendly emails, Professor Granados wrote last fall he was assigning the ACL website to his Crime and Violence students at Rochester Institute of Technology. Then he stopped responding to Raapana's emails. To this day Granados has never directly addressed Raapana's concerns about COMPASS, nor did he or his students respond to the ACL thesis about the historical roots for the communitarian COMPASS program. (Neither have Etzioni, the Responsive Communitarians, or any one of the thousands of visiting scholars to this website since Jan 2003.)

In 2004, the founder of the Communitarian Network, (the Israeli "everything expert" professor and author of 22+ books who founded The New World Order Projects in the 60's and founded the new science of socio-economics in the 90's), took a break from advising Bush Jr. and U.S. State Senators to travel the country "grading" every State for "security." Based on his "scientific" findings, he advised all the flunkees to incorporate retinal scanning and digital facial pictures into their state issued driver's ID cards. Local newspapers reported it as if the Communitarian Network is a credible authority regarding changing US Law. The Anchorage Daily News continues their refusal to respond to ACL questions about the ADN report that cited Etzioni. Yes, Etzioni is as an "expert" on Homeland Security, but it's not U.S. homeland security. Etzioni is a militant Zionist. Coincidentally, so is the new Director of Homeland Security. It's no secret that Israeli surveillance technology dominates the global market. Israeli high-tech companies openly bid for Homeland Security grants. Working closely with former KGB spies, neighborhood friendly communitarian COPS' train American police to use the database. Now cops expect to be able to pre-identify every American for their potential threat status. (The Seattle City Mayor's attorney explained to Raapana at a Seattle COMPASS Privacy Council meeting in 2001 that the upside of this vast new central database was that it had the potential to help the government "help people find jobs." )

Winter 2005 Biometrics Summit: "Attend the 12th updated international forum for advanced identification solutions including...Finger Print Technology, Facial Recognition Systems, Signature Verification, Iris and Retina Scan, Smart Cards, Hand Geometry and Voice Verification Systems." May 13, 2005 -- WANT TO SEE THE FUTURE OF NATIONAL ID?
by Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc. May 12, 2005. The Real ID passed the Senate on May 10, 2005. ACL-Updates on HR 418. The ACL founders were used in a DOJ-COPS pilot test for the National ID in 1999; we found the communitarians when we went looking for the government's authority to gather our personal information without our knowledge or consent. This new federal voluntary "law" sure adds credibility to our COMPASS page.

Get Ready For the National ID Card at computerworld.com. Nice charts.

House of Commons passes U.K. biometric ID card plan U.K. moves toward requiring all citizens to carry ID cards containing biometric information News Story by Laura Rohde, FEBRUARY 11, 2005 (IDG NEWS SERVICE).

February 24, 2005 -- U.S. wants passenger names one hour before takeoff by Shaun Waterman, UPI Homeland and National Security Editor,

February 10, 2005 -- The UK Identity Bill passed the House of Commons the exact same day the U.S. Real ID Legislation passed the U.S. House of Representatives. What's the mathematical odds that our U.S. Legislation was introduced and passed the same day as the British version, only at the urgings of free people represented by their American legislators?

January 11, 2002 -- Expanded AmeriCorps Proposal Raises Questions of Compulsory Service by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, FOX NEWS.

January 1, 2005 -- Radical Middle Scorcard: n. Serve the people. It is not enough just to talk about serving life, serving the people, whatever. It is imperative that we actually do so. Sen. Hollings (SC) and Rep. Rangel (NY) introduced bills that would have instituted a two-year period of national service for everyone between the ages of 18 and 26 (S.89, H.R.163).

The legislation was imperfect -- e.g., you'd only be permitted to do community service if you weren't drafted into the military. But it's the clearest start yet toward a draft that would allow all 18-year-olds to choose among military defense, homeland defense, and community service. We desperately need people in all three areas."

18 February 2005 -- Symposium in the Peace Palace. State of the World 2005: Redefining Global Security from The Peace Palace at The Hague: "We need a policy of 'preventative engagement': international and individual solidarity and action to meet the challenges of poverty, disease, environmental degradation and conflict in a sustainable and nonviolent way," writes Green Cross International Chairman and former Soviet president Mikhail S. Gorbachev in the Foreword to State of the World 2005. (Gorbachev founded communitarian socio-economics with Amitai Etzioni. Etzioni shares his keen interests in Redefining everything from Global Security to American's participation.)

American conservative's reasons for supporting the Real ID Act is very nicely explained by Michelle Malkin.

February 25, 2005 -- Saliva Testing Moves Into the Mainstream - Lowly spit might be a lifesaver in disease, infection detection by Robert Preidt.

History of the Mental Health Bill by the Department of Health.

The British Third Way is coming out in opposition to the British National ID, as is easily seen at thirdway.org news clips online. I have to say I like the attitude of the British Third Way and they could almost convince me to join them. What's really ironic now, is in the U.S., the Third Way not only supports a National "Real" ID, they actually introduced it in the White House years ago, and into the States Driver's Licenses last year (way before the Law had even passed the House). American-global communitarianism is also called The Third Way, Bush II is a communitarian, and the Real ID was passed overwhelmingly by the Republicans. The Democrats are standing against legislation the New Democrats support. Bill Clinton is a New Democrat. So are Gore and Hilary.

Portions of this legislation were promoted by Amitai Etzioni and the Communitarian Network. What is the difference between A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility by the United Nations and From Empire to Community by Amitai Etzioni? Is there any? Was any of this addressed in Etzioni's Limits of Privacy?

Have Americans been asked to vote on these significant changes to our constitutional system of government? No, they haven't, and far too many Americans have no idea what kinds of new laws are being passed. Consequently, they innocently continue to feed their personal data (and that of their children and neighbors) into the big black hole where the data is stored. They sign up for grocery discounts, they sign up with every commerical establishment, and some volunteer to be chipped. Even people who claim to be smart and know "everything" still hand over their biometric data and send their children to public schools. We all allow ourselves to be tested, evaluated and categorized in the global government's database. We will all comply with the new National ID requirements; "I mean hey, I have to be able to drive, right?" says everyone we know. We will get the new digital ID, hand it over upon request, and let TSA feel us up before we get on a plane (I've done it twice now). We will stand silently when they take away the person standing next to us. We won't ask why or where they were taken.. not like Americans used to do for each other. We will become the Germans, the Russians and the Chinese who kept silent in order to save themselves. We are not the first nation to cower and comply with totalitarian fascism. Everything the Nazis did was "legal" too.

H.R. 418 plays a significant role in furthering the establishment of a "human assets" database recommended in Agenda 21. This law is but one of several laws designed to establish total government surveillance over all individuals in the U.S. Other bills, like the No Child Left Behind Act and the Mental Health Act contribute to creating requirements for the kinds of data to be included in the database. Handing over personal data is not voluntary, and many thousands of Americans are used as Human Subjects Research in DOJ-COPS pilot tests without prior consent or knowledge. The DoJ and its COPS have been covertly violating U.S. Privacy Laws since 1999; now our esteemed congress is legalizing their crimes. Now it's all okay to gather data from every source, regardless of the circumstances, and even at gunpoint.

Americans who get all their news from TV are telling me with increasing frequency, "It's against the law not to have your ID on you." It really angers them when I disagree. It's to the point where I cannot have any kind of conversation (let alone a debate) with people who watch TV regularly. There is simply no debate left in them. They believe every piece of propaganda they're fed, and they repeat it as if it's real. They are so brainwashed they don't know there could/should/would be a debate, if only they required it of their elected representatives. If they're not watching TV, chances are good they're obsessed with their personal "issue".. be it social justice, gay rights, veganism, drugs, Yoga or some other ego or Marxist ideology. We know so few people who care about legitimate American freedom, and none of them are in our daily lives.

Most Americans we meet repeat communist platitudes to us and have no idea that's what they're saying. Too many of my women friends in their fifties are almost completely insane from Marxist propaganda. My friends worked all their lives, did most everything they were told to do, and they're just not very happy to find themselves in their present conditions. Many of our men appear to be just as insane to me, and everyone is unwilling to evaluate their contribution to their own madness. We too easily blame the other guy, and we stupidly buy into the selfish drivel drummed into our heads and hearts via the television and mainstream news and entertainment.

The communitarians feed off our apathy and ignorance. They assume the role of our collective analysts who have figured out what's "wrong" with America. They write about the "loose bonds" in our culture, but they'll surely never explain what they DID to destroy legitimate bonds. My countrymen used to help the underdogs within our society, they protected the weak and the young and the old. Our people did not trust bureaucrats or lawyers. Our journalists came mostly from our working class. Today big government is crowded with lawyers and Ph.D.s, and journalists refuse to cover legitimate news. There's a huge gap between the media, the government and the regular citizens. When our regular citizens defend legitimate U.S. freedom against the communitarians, they're labled as "conspiracy theorists." It's no joke when American adults sneer at me and say, "Oh you're one of those conspiracy nuts." I could reply, Yes, and you're one of those TV drones; the communitarians love you too.

Many of the "nay" voters fully support other invasive Acts against American's freedoms. Why do some Republicans support Team USA cartoon police and oppose UN treaties, and some Democrats oppose TIPS-Spy Programs and support greater UN legal and real military-police powers? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, not unless we are aware that the goal is to reach the ultimate dialectical synthesis, which is called the "new" Third Way. But you'll never hear that on TV.

Does this new law sound like a conspiracy theory?

H.R. 418 history. "Title: To establish and rapidly implement regulations for State driver's license and identification document security standards, to prevent terrorists from abusing the asylum laws of the United States, to unify terrorism- related grounds for inadmissibility and removal, and to ensure expeditious construction of the San Diego border fence." Sponsor: Rep Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. [WI-5] (introduced 1/26/2005) Cosponsors (140) Related Bills: H.RES.71, H.RES.75 Latest Major Action: 2/10/2005 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 261 - 161 (Roll no. 31).

Do these company products sound like a conspiracy theory?

Biometrics Consortium's Research Databases Links is a great overview of the many kinds of biometric data under consideration by the U.S. government. We found this company on AmerikanExpose.com. Are there any of us attending their conference in Arlington, Virginia this September?

What about this new grant memo from Anchorage? Is this real, or is it Memorex?

February 15, 2005 -- AR 2005-33- Anchorage Municipal Assembly Memorandum (pdf) was introduced. "The Corporation for National and Community Service is one of the nation's first federal grants to involve citizen volunteers in Homeland Security efforts." This is part of USA Freedom Corps, a White House/Etzioni "initiative to foster a culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility, and help all Americans answer the President's Call to Service." Bush's call to service went out in Jan 2002. He told us we should "volunteer" our skills for 2 years or 4000 hours. What are we donating our valuable American free time to do? What IS a culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility?

Does it matter that the same guy who designed this datagathering program also signed the Communitarian Preamble?

Asset Based Community Development gathers individual's personal data when a communitarian government is Mapping and Mobilizing Community Capacity. Billions of tax dollars are pouring into police stations across the country setting up the (soon to be mandatory) volunteer program for America.

For visitors who can't see the point of the ACL, the Communitarian Network is a major player in creating a National ID Database. We have evidence to show the database was tested many years prior to the events on September 11. We also have Joint DOD-DOJ Technology Reports from 1999 that explain the "need" to merge local police with the military. The 9/11 Report includes the 1999 DOD-DOJ "wish list" for merging police and soldiers because they already do the same job.

The National ID was planned LONG before the attacks on 9/11. When portions are dropped from one bill they are always reintroduced in another bill:

Post-911: A Slippery Slope? by David M. Brown.

Sensenbrenner Introduces Terrorist Travel Legislation Real ID Act Includes Provisions Dropped from 9/11 Legislation , U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary.

ALL data in a computer database carries a risk of exposure, unsanctioned usage, and criminal possibilities.

ChoicePoint® Update on Fraud Investigation 02/16/2005. The company site says only 35,000 Californians were affected. Supposedly the company has now admitted 145,000 people nationwide have had their consumer/financial data compromised (MSNBC-2/16/05).

Other personal data gathered and stored by ChoicePoint includes pre-employment evaluations of intelligence, "integrity" and "morals." That's some powerful information. It can never be fully recovered, even if/when the bad guys are caught and stopped. Private data, once exposed, doesn't go back to being private. Why do we keep submitting our physical and emotional data to these giant corporations just to apply for wage jobs? Once we give it out we have no control of where it goes or how it's used. Why tell strangers family secrets (and weaknesses)?

The Identity Theft Deception by Bobby Garner, February 23, 2005.

NSA may take on cybersecurity role White House seeks 'traffic cop' for government networks The Associated Press Feb. 14, 2005.

NASCIO Committees prove even CEO's are watching government developments and new legislation.

Limiting Private Rights of Action In Privacy Legislation by Ronald L. Plesser, Partner/ Stuart P. Ingis, Associate Piper Rudnick, LLP.

Here's a good summary of the opposition:

The National ID Trojan Horse by Rep Ron Paul, February 14, 2005.

Bill Prompts New National ID Card Fears, By Jeff Johnson, CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer February 09, 2005.

People for the American Way explain Data Mining-What's at stake, but they don't have one published word about communitarianism, or about community policing's role in the data-gathering efforts. PFAW has excellent background on the major right-wing players from the "opposite" view.

An email response we received on 2/21/05:

Hello, You have an interesting web-site. I wish you luck in your path.

Regarding HR 418, you may be interested in knowing that a similar bill passed the House of Commons (the UK version happened to pass the same day HR 418 passed the House of Representatives) and is headed for the House of Lords.

Here is the link to the UK bill. Identity Cards Bill


[end email]

For more international aspects to privacy and databases, see:

Caslon Analytics Privacy Guide in Australia.

Privacy Info in Canada.

For more ACL research related to privacy and databases, see:

COMPASS- Community Mapping, Planning and Analysis for Safety Strategies, the GIS database tested by DoJ and COPS in an interagency partnership with Seattle and King County government (and NGO) agencies in 2000.

Community Policing, change agents for the the new communitarian legal system who introduce innovative ways to gather unavailable private data (like what we read, do, and think).

Neighborhood Plans, the local instruments for introducing Agenda 21 database objectives.


copyright © 2001-2004, Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich (The Anti-Communitarian League)