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Communitarian Councils

by Niki Raapana, revised April 2, 2004

Ogden City: All About Councils.

Appointed councils are the backbone of communitarian societies. Communitarian councils are composed of bureaucrats, non-profit organizations, selected elected representatives (who tow the party line), corporations, foundations, banks, businesses, police, and facilitators. Unlike the former American system of government which only allowed elected representatives to write laws and run the government, the communitarian system uses unelected "advisory councils" to create programs where new laws can be inserted without the knowledge of an informed, voting populace. Even as the communitarians describe the new process as a way to include more citizens in direct governance, the appointed council process eliminates informed citizen participation or control over government actions. Only citizens who agree with the plans are allowed to participate, yet the more moral communitarians describe their new process as "participatory democracy."

Based on the Soviet and Chinese models for governance, councils will replace all forms of government, in every country in the world, by 2021. The plan originated with the United Nations, it's called UN Local Agenda 21. Every country in the world has a plan to rebuild its society under Marxist ideology.

There are literally thousands of communitarian councils making policy for the future. For a simple overview of how these councils are overturning the Constitution of the United States, see our new chart Chain of Command and Rule of Law.

For a localized version of how communitarian councils specifically affect the United States, see our Community Developments in Washakie County, WY. For how they use the plans and their new citizen action councils to change American law, go to Neighborhood Plans.

TIER ONE: International Councils

REPORT TO THE 2nd NATIONAL CONGRESS OF WORKER'S AND PEASANT'S REPRESENTATIVES , January 23, 1934 [This is a report presented by comrade Mao before the Second National Congress of worker's and peasant's deputies, held in Juichin in Kiangsi, on January 23, 1934. Extracted from 'Chinese worker's correspondence' Shanghai, Vol. 4. No. 11, March 31, 1934. (Please also see Mao's article 'Our economic work', S.W., Vol. I, p,141.)]

Russian Revolution Study Guide, by Steven Veeder.

Anarchism, socialism and freedom , From Workers Solidarity <../ws92.html> No36, 1992. "In the new economic order the workers of the world will own and share all the wealth they produce. Decisions will be made through workplace and community councils which will be federated at all levels and centrally co-ordinated. Thus political power will not be organised in a hierarchical manner, where a central government tells everyone else what to do."

Interactive proposals, ideas and activities for democratic strengthening of the UN system of global governance: (3) A UN CITIZENS' ASSEMBLY, by Dr. Harry H. Lerner, CAMDUN's UN Representative and President of the Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations (CCC/UN) 301 East 45th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA. "The "Dynamics of Democracy--Local to Global" flow-chart below is a diagrammatic description of a permanent process of community-level NGO and CBO (Community-based organization) coordination for cooperative planning and problem-solving via monthly meetings of organizational representatives, computer networking, bio-regional coalition-building and public education on the linkage between local and global issues and strategies. One unifying aim and ongoing project of such community councils is participation in the biennial nomination and popular election of, as well as continuing communication with, delegates to the proposed United Nations Citizens (Peoples') Assembly, each representing their area's residents as global inhabitants, as well as national citizens. The resulting UN body would number under 600 delegates, on a proportionally equitable population basis. This plan involves a minimum of 1 delegate per nation plus the square root of the millions of its population. (16=U.S.; 26=India; 32=China.)"

Activists descend on D.C. to push for Wye funding, by MICHAEL SHAPIRO, Jewish Telegraphic Agency. This is also a wonderful explanation of how the Jewish lobby works in D.C. "The job of the Jewish community is "to condition the environment in Washington" so that the Wye money will be included "when the president and the Congress are sitting around the table" looking for a legislative vehicle to fund the special aid package, said Martin Raffel, associate executive vice chairman for the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the umbrella group of local community relations councils. Raffel said officials at community councils across the country were urging members of their local communities to urge their lawmakers to support the Wye aid."

Abstracts of papers submitted at the International Symposium on Villager Self-Government and Rural Social Development in China, (September 2-5, 2001).

TIER TWO: National Councils

The World Affairs Councils of America

Community Policing- A British Model for Consensus Policing.

Federation of Community Councils


China Expands Grassroots Democracy to Urban Area, People's Daily Online.

Institutional Environment, Community Government, and Corporate Governance: Understanding China's Township-Village Enterprises, No 59 in William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series from William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School , by Jiahua Che and Yingyi Qian. "Abstract: We study China's township-village enterprises (TVES) from an organizational perspective with a focus on governance. Unlike most previous studies, we interpret the firm boundaries of TVEs at the community level rather than the enterprise level. From this perspective, we analyze the central role that community governments play in TVE governance as an organizational response to the imperfect institutional environment of both state and market. Specifically, we show that the community government's involvement in TVEs helps overcome the problems of state predation and under-financing of private enterprises. We also explain why TVE governance leads to harder budget constraints than state-owned enterprises. "

United States Consensus Council.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Citizen Corps

TIER THREE: Regional Councils

Regional Action Councils.

Puget Sound Regional Council- Vision 2020 (2020 is a key number for the globalists. We at the ACL assume 2020 is the final year of preparation for full implementation of World Local Agenda 21: Project for the First Peoples' Century; Europe 2020; Chicago Metropolis 2020; Joint Vision 2020- America's Military Preparing for Tomorrow; Region 2020-Building A Better Place To Live; Cardio-Vision 2020; 2020Green; 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture and the Environment; Spacecast 2020; Transport 2020; Vision 2020-Iowa; 2020 Democrats; Sustainable Food Security For All by 2020; HUD 2020 Management Reform Plan. HUD's community mapping software was also called 2020. The entire world will be mapped into a civil society by 2020..)


National Association of Regional Councils.

Regional Advisory Councils.

Community Council, B.C.

TIER FOUR: State Councils

The Greater Washington Society for Association Executives

Nanjing Elects Community Leaders , People's Daily Online.

Stakeholder Participation in Mental Health Planning, Advisory and Governance Boards .

TIER FIVE: County Councils

King County Growth Management Council

TIER SIX: City-Municipal Councils

The Citywide Alliance of Neighborhood Councils, Los Angeles, CA.

A Model For Municipal Institutional Capacity Analysis, by Brock Carlton

Residents: Budget off base, By Kevin Osborne, Cincinnati Post staff reporter

TIER SEVEN: Community Councils

Citizen Advisory Councils

Hollywood Community- Police Advisory Board Mission.

Community Policing- A Council Role.

Community Environmental Councils

Citizen Corp's Councils

Super Neighborhood Councils, Houston, TX.

United Way Community Councils

The Dialectic of Community Arts Practice and Globalization, or Is This Parade Going the Wrong Way? by Tom Borrup, The Communication Initiative

Seattle Global People's Assembly

Have your say on the future of Town and Community Councils, The University of Wales Aberystwyth , January 2003.

Academic Resources

A century of sociology at Tufts, by James G. Ennis, Chair, Sociology/Anthropology


copyright © 2001-2004, Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich (The Anti-Communitarian League)