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Community Developments in Washakie County, Wyoming

by Niki Raapana, revised April 28, 2004
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City of Worland Agenda 21 flier

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Would you vote to overturn the Wyoming State Constitution in favor of communitarian community development?
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The entire United States is being rebuilt under communitarian Local Agenda 21 development plans. If you have any doubts as to the truth to this statement, we encourage you to look up your most recent council mission statements. Verifying it (or discrediting us) is as easy as picking up the phone and dialing your Mayor's office. Call your city or county clerk and ask if your community, like Worland, is rebuilding or building community. If you live someplace in the U.S. where this isn't happening, please let us know where you are and we'll move there. We don't know about you, but we do not choose to live under international sustainable development laws. We want to live with genuine freedom, because Americans prosper under our guaranteed, established national laws.

Local Agenda 21 and developing natural resources

What does developing Wyoming's water have to do with developing Wyoming's humans? When did Americans become human resources to be developed and planned by appointed commissions? What kind of government identifies its citizens as resources? Why are American's skills called hidden human assets?

This is the opening paragraph to About the Wyoming Water Development Plan :

The Wyoming Water Development Program was established in 1975 to promote the optimal development of the state's human, industrial, mineral, agricultural, water and recreational resources. In 1979 the Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC) was established to implement the water development program and to conduct water and related resource planning. [emphasis added]

Wyoming State Water Plan-Statewide Data Inventory-Socio-economic data sources. (Socio-economics is a communitarian "science" founded by Dr. Amitai Etzioni, founder of the Communitarian Network. Notice the importance placed on using the GIS to map out human resources.)

Community Survivors list of speakers and facilitators working with Wyoming to promote asset-based community economic development. On page 4 there's a bio of Luther K. Snow:

"Luther Snow is a developer, facilitator, trainer, speaker and writer who specializes in asset-based development. He works for grassroots community organizations, congregations, and the institutions that support local community building. He has had 25 years experience in both rural communities and inner-city neighborhoods, working with every aspect of community: from social development to economic development, from culture to construction, from jobs and enterprise to schools and housing. He believes in “using what we’ve got, to get what we want,” and knows how to empower communities and leaders to do exactly that. Mr. Snow is part of the Faculty network of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute, based at Northwestern University, which is directed by John McKnight and Jody Kretzmann, pioneers of asset-based community development. Rural Development. Mr. Snow is the author of The Organization of Hope: A Workbook for Rural Asset-Based Community Development, published by the ABCD Institute and the Blandin Foundation. This books shares the stories and lessons of rural communities who have built on their assets for development, justice, and positive change." [John McKnight signed and endorsed the Communitarian Platform. ABCD logs all our lowest level skills and our affiliations into a community mapping database. It's called "Mapping and Mobilizing Community Capacity". ed.]

Wyoming Rural Development Council offered free ABCD workshops in 2003:

"The concept of asset based development is a derivative of community capacity development and provides a mechanism to gather information about the community that can be reorganized to generate new entrepreneurial endeavors, enhance social services and potentially protect natural resources. It is a model that assumes the community already has many of the assets necessary to create a viable future. Rather than focusing on needs and problems or concerns as in the traditional path of community development, the conversation at the local level draws on the assets of the community which include: natural resources, youth, elderly, businesses, libraries, cultural groups, clubs, farms and ranches as well as a long list of other locally located assets."

The Wyoming Rural Development Council.Rural Resource Team Report Meeteetse, Wyoming, Park County September 2000. Very long list of "interview questions."

Midwest Assistance Program. Lists of players (Wyoming at bottom.)

Wyoming Chamber of Business Executives explains the role of ABCD in community development.

Safe Communities- DOT defines the coalitions in Region 8.

The Reason Public Policy Institute for Urban Futures presents: State Planning and Growth Management Database - Wyoming. Very concise list of links to Wyoming players, although many are dead links.

United Nations Agenda 21 United States.

The philosophy behind community development

The Community Development Society

The term communitarian itself must be the most unknown political term on the planet. No one we know had ever heard of it before we began to use it. And even after they heard it most people wanted to define it as some nice neighborhoody kind of thing. Yet, the sole justification for using community development to eliminate the U.S. Bill of Rights is entirely based in a philosophy called communitarianism. (For an ACL introduction to Hegel, Marxism, and communitarianism, go to WTF is the Hegelian Dialectic?)

Constitutional law does not pertain to community building laws. U.N. community building is a law unto itself. As the chart below clearly shows, insisting on the legal American route to justice is a circular path that gets you nowhere. There's no established path to file a grievance against an unjust community development fine. There's no way of contacting your elected representatives on the community development council. It's a waste of time requesting legal documents from the enforcement agency team that's planning ways to circumvent the constitution. Everyone will send you to someone else. There are literally thousands of participants in rebuilding community, in 1000s of communities world-wide, and each one will tell you the new plans and laws were your neighbor's idea. Local Agenda 21 exists way outside the former avenues for obtaining speedy American justice.

For a simple chart explaining the ACL's position, click here. We compare the U.S. system to the U.N. system. We show why it's so difficult for Americans to appeal the new zoning and local land use ordinances, especially the ones that have the power to take their property away. We show the absolute futility of requesting due process under our new and improved laws. When a law comes down from the United Nations that violates property or privacy rights, it cannot be challenged under U.S. Constitutional Law. Communitarian law balances outdated constitutional law.

The importance of learning the communitarian's new language

In the following two paragraphs we've made all the key words bold. If you can learn just a few of these words, you'll be well on your way to seeing the Marxist vision for what it really is. These are the terms that the new government uses to confuse us, and they all either have more than one meaning or no meaning at all. We think the communitarians hope we never try to look them up in a law dictionary, or find out what they really mean. The communitarian plot against America is so established they didn't even bother to back up their legal theories with anything but Marxism. They answer direct questions with vague responses about community livability, and if they can they make sure we feel so stupid that we'll stop asking. But, unravelling the agenda is only possible when you understand the new language. Our goal is to introduce America to the communitarian double-speak in use today. We want to hear American voices speaking with American common sense. We believe we can actually talk our way out of their dangerous and costly War on Words, but first we have to know what the hell they're saying.

If your city, rural, or county government has a development commission, council or agency, which uses the term building community to define its mission, then you already have a communitarian government. If they say they invited concerned citizens to help create a vision, they've already set up the local committees they need to justify their identifying some of your unique local problems. When they say they are problem solving, it means they are going to (or already have) change your local laws to allow community policing and problem-solving partnerships with the community.

Their goal is always to reduce fear and create a safe and livable community or a sustainable environment. They always tie the clean-up efforts to sustainable development laws, and put the new laws under fire and crime prevention, local land-use zoning, and weeds and vegetation. They often re-define and expand public nusiance ordinances to include stricter home conditions and noise codes that lead to abatements. The communitarian government determines whether you have the morals to own valuable community property, so they think they can require permits and good neighbor agreements that regulate everything from ranches to town rental properties (which explains how they can claim to promote local businesses). While junk storage, rat harborage, and undeveloped human assets are a few of their favorite problems to be solved, ours is their new mental illness called harboring syndrome. It must be a complete mystery to the global communitarians as to how America ever grew to become the strongest industrial and agricultural country in the world without their professional facilitation and moral guidance.

We know their slogans seem totally benign, so we don't expect you to trust us when we tell you their unspoken, malignant goal is to change the U.S. into a new and improved system of communist-community government, called communitarianism. We hope to entice you to do what we did. Verify for yourself whether their plan is entirely based on methods practiced in Soviet and Chinese collectives and perfected in militant Zionist kibuttzes. Ask your local community development agencies what they mean by the term rebuilding community. Ask them where they got the original idea. The communitarians use many new terms to write new laws, therefore they should, by law, be able to provide legal definitions for all their new terms. Also, copies of all new public policies, ordinances, resolutions and community police team actions must be on file with the city or county clerk.

We're really interested in what they're saying nowadays. Please email us with any responses you might receive. In Seattle they told us it was our idea, that it grew as a "grassroots" movement, and that we, the community, had "asked for it." Nobody in our neighborhood had ever even heard of it. It took us years to find out ALL these new holistic clean-up and rebuilding efforts originated with blueprints from the United Nations.

Developments in Worland, Wyoming

April 28, 2004. On April 22 Randy Adams emailed us and told us the City of Worland has nothing to do with the community development tax survey. He suggested I contact the community development tax committee. I did. Since then we've had no further response.

On April 22, 2004 I emailed the onepercent tax committee (onepercent@rtconnect.net) and Adams the following questions:
1. Who commissioned the survey?
2. Who's paying for the survey?
3. Which elected officials are members of the tax committee?
4. Which members of the tax committe are also on the Community Development Council?
5. What was the process used in choosing the members for the tax committee?
6. Does the tax committee have a mission statement? If yes, may I see a copy of it?
7. Who holds the records on the history of the tax proposal? Are these records open to the public?

Titles of new codes posted on the Worland Community Development Department homepage with no links to copies of the codes. "The City of Worland has adopted the following codes: 2000 International Building Code, 2000 International Residential Code, 2000 International Plumbing Code, 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code, 1997 Uniform Sign Code, and 1997 Uniform Abatement of Dangerous Buildings." Here's the International Code Council (ICC). We've found very little background on the ICC, but it was created in 1994. In 1992 the U.S. adopted the Earth Summit declaration at Rio. In 1993 President Clinton endorsed the Local Agenda 21 mandate to rebuild the world according to sustainable development principles. The ICC is implemeting their codes nationwide.. although some states (like California) are refusing. Are international planning and development codes created to comply with international planning and development laws? Abatements are not eminient domain issues... they are complex private property takings under international laws.

Wyoming State Constitution, Article 3, Sec 33: Origin of revenue bills: All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the house of representatives, but the senate may propose amendments, as in the case of other bills."

Worland's official newspaper, The Northern Wyoming Daily News, reported in late 2003 that the Community Development Council was requesting a 1% increase in the municipal tax to cover the new costs of community development projects. The lead City Agency appears to be the Community Development Department- Worland, Wyoming. Contact Randall Adams, Director (Planner/Building Official) at cityofw@rtconnect.net. "The Community Development Department is committed to making Worland a better place to live and work. Community Development is responsible for the initiation, administration and execution of the City's economic development activities. The department promotes and directs programs to encourage affordable housing and economic development projects within the City. Grantsmanship responsibility for city initiated community and economic development programs. Maintains extensive contact with local, state and federal government agencies."

RMA Research is calling Worland residents and taking a survey on the proposed one percent community development tax. I took the phone call at the bar and admitted I am not a registered voter in Washakie County so therefore I was ineligible to participate. I don't know what their questions are, but I asked as many questions as I could before the call was abruptly terminated. The interviewer said the response was about 50-50 so far. RMA is a member of CASRO,Council of American Survey Research Organizations. RMA v. the State Department of Revenue S.D. 1999 has a thorough overview of RMA's business.

I filed an email PDR with RMA and the City of Worland for RMA Worland survey records on April 18, 2004. As for the coming vote, I would be very wary of approving any new tax designed to fund any organization using the term "community." It might be interesting to know the exact philosophy endorsed by the "councilmembers," to read their specific mission statement and get definitions for all their terms. I'd also like to see them try to reconcile how an unelected governing development council is able to request taxpayer dollars from Wyoming citizens still living under constitutional law.

3.0- Asset Based Community Development Workshop! June 24, 2003 at the Comfort Inn in Worland, Wyoming. Regards to Rural II Sessions March 5&6, 2004. ABCD promotions are alive and well.

I talked to a few locals last week who told me about a school board meeting they recently attended in Ten Sleep. The school's agenda raised some concerns for them, as parents, when they learned the school is assuming the authority to mandate school counseling for students reported to have violations of the law, at any time, regardless of whether the offense is committed on school property. Apparently not all parents support Character Education. Most Americans would agree that Character Counts, but some believe teaching morality is the responsibility of the parents, and not the schools. Berit Kjos is opposed to creating Brave New Schools, and Charlotte Iserbyt calls it the deliberate dumbing down of america. Beverly Eakman calls it The Cloning of the American Mind. Like-minded parents may also consider signing a petition to Oppose the American History and Civics Education Act H.R. 1078.

Regular Meeting of the City Council of Worland, Wyoming, January 5, 2004. Worland Mayor Gotier quotes American socialist-anthropologist Margaret Mead, as does the Socialist Action in Profit vrs. the Planet. If Mead was referring to changing the world into a global socialist democracy, what specfic changes does Gotier think her small group of determined individuals can accomplish?

BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY : A message from Mayor LaVertha Gotier. This is a classic communitarian document describing the positive community oriented activities that Gotier brought to Worland after she became mayor. She terms Worland's participation as "the spirit of community," citing Amitai Etzioni directly from the title of his book, "Spirit of Community." Gotier calls it "MY vision on building a better community." Is she gloating about how she co-opted good people into endorsing her communist-communitarian principles without them ever suspecting what she's really talking about here? Does Mayor Gotier know she is using communitarian language to further communitarian objectives? Does she openly define herself as a communitarian? Would she if asked? Did she take an oath to protect and defend the Wyoming State Constitution? Did the state of Wyoming legislature amend the Wyoming State Constitution and vote to "balance" individual rights against the "common good?" Were the citizens of Worland, or anywhere else in the State of Wyoming, ever asked by an elected representative or by official public ballot if they approved of this new system of reinvented un-constitutional government, called community government?
From Mayor Gotier's message:

....we are resolute in our efforts to improve our community. I would like to challenge you as a citizen of the City of Worland to help in this goal. Through your cooperation, insight and advice we can cultivate and ensure an economically sound environment for generations to come. We continue to stand by our mission statement to "provide leadership for maintenance and advancement of the City of Worland, by forwarding vision, communication, policy making and problem solving. We are aware that at any point in time the City has the choice to renew or decline. It is our choice for the City to renew. We are also aware that it would be presumptuous to think that we could accomplish any of the following goals by ourselves.

D&A Services : "We work very closely with the Mayor, Public Works Department, Airport Manager, Community Development Director, City Attorney, Police Chief and City Hall staff to coordinate all activities involving engineering, surveying, planning, mapping and all other matters requiring technical assistance."

Wyoming Geographic Information Advisory Council :


The Geographic Coordinate Data Base (GCDB) is being developed by the Bureau of Land Management as the framework for its Land Information System (LIS), and is mandated as the base land lines theme for all federal agency mapping and Geographic Information System (GIS) efforts. As a component of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), GCDB will be a common reference to the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) and greatly facilitate integration of separate GIS systems.

BLM's LIS concept is designed in layers. GCDB contains latitude and longitude coordinate values and other descriptive information for corner positions and monuments recorded in the PLSS. These coordinates are easily converted to Universal Transverse Mercators (UTMs) or state plane values (SPCS). With the Public Land Survey data displayed from the first framework layer, BLM is designing the second layer of its LIS to automatically display data from the national land and mineral records. The Automated Land and Mineral Record System (ALMRS) includes information on land ownership status and use authorizations such as oil and gas leases, mining claims, rights-of-way, and more. The system will automate information presently found in BLM Public Rooms, including Master Title Plats and Historical Indexes.

Further resources for researching Wyoming's communitarian Agenda 21 plans and programs

Poll: Wyoming favors landowner protections published by the Casper Tribune. This is an amazing article, it actually shows the inherent problem with Agenda 21 thinking. It IS a goal of community devlopment to CONTROL all development. Who among us knew the Wilderness Society claims to know what the Wyoming people "think" about incorporating communist-sustainable development? Does it matter that WWF was created by His Royal Highness Prince Phillip (which means it originated almost at the top of the Agenda 21 management planning order)? Should Americans know that the WWF advocates for total power over individuals under their powerful International Court, which was created to help international police to enforce global communitarian sustainable development laws?

Model United Nations Model Far West - Agenda 21 explains: "Sustainable development programs must be on the forefront of international debate at all levels of government, starting within the United Nations. Agenda 21 is essentially a document for the implementation of sustainable development. According to Dr. Neil Harrison of the University of Wyoming,

"Development means more than the increased production of goods and services. It may be said to mean an increase in life chances (political, economic, and social) for each individual in society. Thus, sustainable development implies contention between the natural environment, production of goods and services, and full realization of human potential. Thinking about the problem of sustainable development leads us to ask questions about ourselves, about who we are, what we value, and how we should act. It questions how we order our economic interactions, and relations within our [developed] society and with other societies."

Wyoming County Commissioners Association- Legislation has all the 2004 news.

Wyoming Conservation Easement Bill Defeated - Legislation would have enacted the Uniform Conservation Easement Act By Carol W. LaGrasse, March 15, 2003: "The Wyoming State Senate defeated the Uniform Conservation Easement Act on March 4 with a floor vote that tied at 15 to 15 after a spirited debate. The vote was a victory for private property rights and for the preservation of private land ownership in Wyoming."

American Policy Center has the most recent news about CARA legislation, otherwise known as a pork barrell land grab. For background on CARA, go to the 1998-1999 source materials posted by the American Land Rights Association . Wyoming's Senator Craig Thomas wants to hear from his constituents on this issue.

Big Horns' Landscape, Project Description and Updated Work Plan February 2003.

PDF file for Wyoming's March 2004 Homeland Security grant.

This All Pro Off Road article at 4x4wire.com, by Judy Keeler gives some introductory factual background on the Wildlands Project. Keeler explains what many American reporters are facing when discussing UN-US programs:

"Since I jumped in with both feet in my last article, I thought I'd follow through with another thoughtful piece this week. I used to avoid discussing the United Nation's connection with the Wildlands Project. I was concerned most people would be overwhelmed by the magnitude of the agenda and consider me a little "tetched" in the head. However, since wild land proponents enjoy challenging the truth, I thought I'd give them more ammunition with which to shoot at me."

For how the UN is tied to American land, go to the United Nation's List of Protected Areas.

The Wildlands Project

PDF- Wyoming News Advisory from the Wildlands Project on September 9, 2003.

EcoFuture: From the Planetkeepers: Dave Foreman, a dialogue with Derrick Jenns.

Civil Defense Perspectives by Physicians for Self Defense. This is a great overview of the Wildlands Project and a well defined American opposition.

Step by Step by Citizen Review Online, a special issue on the Wildlands Project. Good maps and resources.

In the beginning... Congress created House Resolution 488 by Tracie Sullivan, August 31, 2001, at Crowley-Off Road.com.

Greater Yellowstone Communist Coalition.

Reintroducing the Grey Wolf in the U.S. by Ryan C. Johnson, an ActionBioScience.org origninal article.

Montana Profiles Archives- Reintroducing the Grizzly a series on montanapbs.org.

Wyoming LAP (Legislative Accountability Project) Book- SF 97- Wyoming's Wildlife.

American Wilderness Lands Program- Safe Passage Comes to Wyoming. This site also has an Introduction- What are wildlife corridors?.

Property Rights Research Map Links.

Alternative perspectives on U.N. Local Agenda 21 Initiatives

The Constitution of the State of Wyoming.

First Amendment Cyber Tribune, fact page designed by Casper Times editor Charles Levendosky.

Environmental Perspectives presents American analysis on the American Heritage Rivers and Clean Water Initiatives.

Community Plans = Sustainable Scams by Joanne Nathan in the Sierra Times on 12/11/03.

How the Endangered Species Act ties to the Wildlands Act. Sample legislation provided by Property Rights Research in Florida.

Klammath Basin Bucket Brigades, Oregon citizens explain their position on Agenda 21 as a local American community committed to saving their farms and protecting their own natural resources.

For an example of how Americans are losing their land, see Eliminating Private Property Through Use of Fire, posted at Amerikan Expose.com.

For how some Montanans view the Wildlands Act, go to Northern Rockies EPA.

Related ACL research

For more information about U.N. Local Agenda 21, go to Agenda 21.

For how U.N. Agenda 21 directly ties to building communitarian American communities see Neighborhood Plans.

For details about Zionist-Israeli training for U.S. community police go to Community Policing.

For details about the COPS' GIS data-gathering programs, and what they plan do with the data, go to COMPASS.

ACL glossary of terms used by communitarian lawmakers-developers

All of these terms are included in sections elsewhere on the site, and most should be in our dictionary.

building or rebuilding community : The communist goal is to Rebuild the World. After 9-11, Rebuilding America moved under the direction of Homeland Security. Safe and clean communities is a nice Orwellian term for neighborhood spies and conformity regulations.

community policing : A DLC idea, brought to the U.S. under Clinton in 1994. These federal cops are "team" players who "help" local American police to find ways to identify hot spots and "problem neighbors." Called Community Police Team (CPT), Community Services Officer (CSO) and even Mental Health Officers, these COPS recommend "action teams," sub-committees especially designed to "deal with" the identified problems and help the concerned citizens to rewrite local ordinances based on communitarian legal principles. The COPS in Seattle used NATS' data gathered during problem solving to test the DoJ-COPS national COMPASS program, and the COPS were the ones who suggested putting the information into the GIS in 1997.

problem-solving : Community policing theory that says locals need to identify all "local players" to the COPS.

vision or visioning : Hegelian process of progressive, evolutionary forethinking. Americans actually believe they're helping when they participate in visualizing communities of evolved human resources.

The Spirit of Community : Amitai Etzioni's (founder of the Communitarian Network) first major book.

concerned citizens : Local suckers who help to write and implement Agenda 21.

cleaning up the town : Phrase used to justify new ordinances and regulations enforced by COPS teams.

livability : A vague, undefined term. Can mean just about anything to anyone. Communitarians use it whenever possible

quality of life : Another vague term they use all the time.

full-blown-fear : Coined by Cisernos and extended by Kelling. Describes what people experience when they think no one's in charge and nobody cares.

consensus : A communist way of reaching legal decisions in their new appointed councils. Replaces debate and a public vote.

asset survey : A survey of the neighborhood that identifies where the problems live, who works, who's on unemployment, who's on welfare, who's on social security, who's mentally ill, who has a criminal record, who doesn't pay their bills, how much everyone owes, who has credit, who's in what income bracket, and so on.

validation event : A meeting of concerned citizens (see above) organized by a federal facilitator working with a neighborhood associations. They approve development plans by reaching consensus. Plans are then introduced to a legitimately elected council, which approves and adopts the plan. Based on feedback from a small percentage of the residents, local governments claim that people want to be developed as resources.

sustainable : A new term introduced at the U.N.'s Rio Conference in 1992. The official defintion is priceless and means nothing except it's a term used to justify forcing Americans to adopt U.N. "principles."

partnerships : This is what they call the deals made between the communitarians and the concerned citizens (who by default become communitarians). It's also used to describe inter-agency groups and sub-groups designed to combine data, rewrite ordinances to include data-gathering, and inventing innovative procedures for gathering the new, necessary data. If a civilian contractor is doing work for the government and using public funds, does the private sub-contractor come under public disclosure laws?


copyright © 2001-2004, Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich (The Anti-Communitarian League)